
我试图复制只有原始文件从一个目录到另一个,但一些文件具有相同的名称…我想用哈希比较文件,如果它不在目录中发送它那里,如果名称是相同的更改它到file_name.something。 在这个时候我得到一些文件和具有相同名称的文件被覆盖…任何人都可以提出一些build议吗?

#!/bin/bash -xv source_folder=$1 destination_folder=$2 if [ $# -eq 0 ] then echo "usage:$0 directory_name";exit 999; fi if [ -d $source_folder ] then echo "source source_folder exists." else echo "Source folder doesn't exist" exit 1; fi if [ -d $destination_folder ] then echo "Destination folder exists" else mkdir $destination_folder fi find "$source_folder" -name "IMG_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].JPG" -exec ./check {} $destination_folder/ \; #!/bin/bash -xv file=$1 destination_folder=$2 file_hash=`md5sum "$file" | cut -d ' ' -f 1` for a in $destination_folder/* do curr_hash=$(md5sum "$a" | cut -d ' ' -f 1) curr_file=$a if [ ! "$file_hash" == "$curr_hash" ]; then if [[ -f $destination_folder/$file ]] ; then # CAN ANYBODY TELL ME WHY IT IGNORES THIS LINE cp "$file" "$file.JPG" mv "$file.JPG" "$destintion_folder" else # IT GOES STRAIGHT FOR THIS ONE cp "$file" "$destination_folder" fi fi done 

你的if [ "$file_hash" == "$a" ]; 将散列与文件名进行比较。 你需要类似的东西

 if [ "$file_hash" == $(md5sum "$a" | cut -d ' ' -f 1) ]; 


而且,你的for循环在当前版本中只运行一次。 你需要类似的东西

 for a in $destination_folder/* 



 #!/bin/bash -xv file=$1 destination_folder=$2 file_hash=`md5sum "$file" | cut -d ' ' -f 1` # test that the filename exists in the destination dir if [[ -f $destination_folder/$file ]] ; then dest_hash=$(md5sum "$destination_folder/$file" | cut -d ' ' -f 1) # test that the hash is the same if [[ "$file_hash" == $curr_hash ]] ; then cp "$file.JPG" "$destination_folder/$file.JPG" else # do nothing fi else # destination does not exit, copy file cp "$file.JPG" "$destination_folder/$file" fi 

这并不能确保没有重复。 它只是确保具有相同名称的不同文件不会相互覆盖。

 #!/bin/bash -xv file=$1 destination_folder=$2 file_hash=`md5sum "$file" | cut -d ' ' -f 1` # test each file in destination for a in $destination_folder/* do curr_hash=$(md5sum "$a" | cut -d ' ' -f 1) if [ "$file_hash" == $curr_hash ]; then # an identical file exists. (maybe under another name) # do nothing exists=1 break fi done if [[ $exists != 1 ]] ; then if [[ -f $destination_folder/$file ]] ; then cp "$file.JPG" "$destination_folder/$file.JPG" else cp "$file.JPG" "$destination_folder" fi fi 
