if (cp /folder/path /to/path) && (cp /anotherfolder/path /to/anotherpath) then echo "Succeeded" else echo "Failed" fi
如果应该testing$? 返回每个命令的代码,并将它们与&&绑定。
if cp /folder/path /to/path /tmp && cp /anotherfolder/path /to/anotherpath ;then echo "ok" else echo "not" fi
cp / folder / path / to / path && cp / anotherfolder / path / to / anotherpath 如果[$? -eq 0]; 然后 回声“成功” 其他 回声“失败” 科幻
其他方式 :
cp /folder/path /to/path && cp /anotherfolder/path /to/anotherpath && { echo "suceeded" } || { echo "failed" }
david@pcdavid:~$ cp test.tex a && cp test.aux b && { echo "haha"; } || { echo "hoho"; } haha david@pcdavid:~$ cp test.ztex a && cp test.aux b && { echo "haha"; } || { echo "hoho"; } cp: cannot stat `test.ztex': No such file or directory hoho david@pcdavid:~$ cp test.tex a && cp test.zaux b && { echo "haha"; } || { echo "hoho"; } cp: cannot stat `test.zaux': No such file or directory hoho