
我有下面的代码来处理。 我在这里的问题是代码运行while循环,而不是等待在行上的inputString temp = Console.ReadLine() 。 需要帮助了解为什么以及如何修复请。 提前致谢!

/*Banker's algorithm Implementation*/ class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { int n = 0;//number of resources we will be dealing with int proc_num = 0;//Total number of processes to share available resources IDictionary<String, SysProcess> processes = new Dictionary<String, SysProcess>(); IDictionary<String, int> MaxR = new Dictionary<String, int>();// maximum available resources IDictionary<String, int> avail = new Dictionary<String, int>();// Available resources after first allocation Dictionary<String, int> availsum = new Dictionary<string, int>(); //Start while (true) { Console.WriteLine(" What is number of resources to be shared? : "); if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out n)) { Console.WriteLine(" Error Please provide valid number --- {0}!", n); } else { break; } } //get the maximum number of each Resources Ie Total Resources Available while (true && n>0) { Console.WriteLine("Using a comma delimited list(eg 0, 0, 0, 0) list maximum of each of the {0} resources : ", n); String temp; temp = Console.ReadLine(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(temp)) { String[] maxR = temp.Split(','); for (int a = 1; a <= n; a++) { MaxR.Add("Resource#" + a.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(maxR[a])); } break; } } while (true && n>0) { Console.Write("Enter total number of processes to share the available resources :"); if (!int.TryParse(Console.Read().ToString(), out proc_num)) { Console.WriteLine(" Error Please provide valid number --- {0}!", proc_num); } else { break; } } if(proc_num > 0) { //Request Process Max and allocated resources data for (int i = 1; i <= proc_num; i++) { Console.Write("Using a comma delimited list, Enter total number of Resources 1 through {0} are needed by PROCESS#{1} ?", n, i); String[] temps = Console.ReadLine().Split(','); SysProcess tempproc = new SysProcess("Process#" + i.ToString()); for (int a = 0; a < temps.Length; a++) { tempproc.Add_max_resource("Resource#" + (a + 1).ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(temps[a])); } //How many resources have already been allocated to each resource temps = null; Console.Write("Using a comma delimited list,Enter number of resources 1 through {0} already allocated to PROCESS#{1} ? ", n, i); temps = Console.ReadLine().Split(','); for (int a = 0; a < temps.Length; a++) { tempproc.add_alloc_resource("Resource#" + (a + 1).ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(temps[a])); } processes.Add("Process#" + i.ToString(), tempproc); } Console.WriteLine("Processing . . . "); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Available resources "); //Compute Available Resources for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (!availsum.ContainsKey("Resource#" + (i + 1).ToString())) availsum.Add("Resource#" + (i + 1).ToString(), 0); foreach (SysProcess sp in processes.Values) { //add sum up the available availsum["Resource#" + (i + 1).ToString()] += sp.alloc_resources["Resource#" + (i + 1).ToString()]; } } //print out the availables we computed Console.Write(" avail< "); for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { Console.Write(availsum["Resource#" + (j + 1).ToString()] + ","); if (j + 1 == n)//if this is the last one, go ahead and output the rest Console.Write("{0} > ", availsum["Resource#" + (j + 1).ToString()]); } // Printing resources still needed Console.WriteLine(); foreach (SysProcess p in processes.Values) { p.print_needed(); } //a) Find a row in the Need matrix which is less than the Available vector. //If such a row exists, then the process represented by that row may complete //with those additional resources. If no such row exists, eventual deadlock is possible. Dictionary<String, int> _currentavailsum; foreach (SysProcess p in processes.Values) { int TotalSproccounter = 0; String safelead; if (isprocessSafe(n, p, availsum)) { TotalSproccounter++; safelead = p.id; _currentavailsum = new Dictionary<String, int>(); _currentavailsum = availsum;//get a copy of the original data to begin with foreach (SysProcess q in processes.Values) { if (q != p)//we only want to compare with the others from here { if (isprocessSafe(n, p, _currentavailsum)) { update_availsum(n, q, ref _currentavailsum);//update the currentavail count TotalSproccounter++; //update print safelead += ", " + q.id; } } } if (TotalSproccounter == proc_num) { Console.WriteLine("Safe allocation < {0} >", safelead); } else { Console.WriteLine("Deadlock reached/unsafe allocation : < {0} >", safelead); } } } } Console.ReadLine(); } //compares the number of resources needed against the number of resources available public static Boolean isprocessSafe(int n, SysProcess p, IDictionary<String, int> avail) { int safecount = 0; foreach (String resourcekey in avail.Keys) { if (p.need_resources.ContainsKey(resourcekey) && p.need_resources[resourcekey] <= avail[resourcekey]) { safecount++; } } if (safecount == n) { return true; } return false; } //compares the number of resources needed against the number of resources available public static void update_availsum(int n, SysProcess p, ref Dictionary<String, int> _currentavailsum) { foreach (String resourcekey in _currentavailsum.Keys) { if (p.need_resources.ContainsKey(resourcekey)) { _currentavailsum[resourcekey] += p.need_resources[resourcekey]; } } } } //container class for processes public class SysProcess { public String id { get; set; } Dictionary<String, int> _max_resources = null; // will hold the Resource name and the the number of resources Dictionary<String, int> _alloc_resources = null;//allocated resources Dictionary<String, int> _need_resources = null;//allocated resources public Dictionary<String, int> max_resources { get { return _max_resources; } } public Dictionary<String, int> alloc_resources { get { return _alloc_resources; } } public Dictionary<String, int> need_resources { get { return _need_resources; } } public SysProcess(String procID) { _max_resources = new Dictionary<String, int>(); _alloc_resources = new Dictionary<String, int>(); id = procID; } public void Add_max_resource(String resource, int count) { _max_resources.Add(resource, count); } public void add_alloc_resource(String resource, int count) { _alloc_resources.Add(resource, count); _need_resources.Add(resource, _max_resources[resource] - alloc_resources[resource]); } public void print_needed() { Console.Write(id); foreach (int s in _need_resources.Values) { Console.Write(" {0}", s); } } } 

在这里添加整个代码可能是一个好主意,因为我仍然无法找出这个问题。 请帮忙

问题是使用有问题的方法Console.Read() 。 这种方法会阻塞,直到输入完整的文本行,但它只返回第一个字符,留下输入缓冲区中的剩余文本。 执行Console.ReadLine()操作时,用于输入第一个值并取消阻止读取操作的回车仍然位于输入缓冲区中。 因此,返回一个空行。

我建议你用Console.Read().ToString()替换Console.Read().ToString() Console.ReadLine()来解决这个问题。


  static void Main(string[] args) { string value = Console.Read().ToString(); Console.WriteLine("You entered: {0}", value); Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); // Returns immediately. Console.WriteLine("Continuing...."); } 


  string value = Console.ReadLine(); 

您的项目是否配置为控制台应用程序? 它需要使用不同的开关构建,以便在exe文件中设置标志,以便OS加载程序知道它需要为进程创建一个控制台窗口。 GUI应用程序不会设置该标志,也不会获得控制台窗口。

在VS2010中,右键单击项目的“属性”链接,单击“应用程序”选项卡,然后将“输出类型”从Windows应用程序更改为“控制台应用程序”。 重建并运行。

你可能在你的输入中有重复/额外的换行符。 此代码看起来非常适合分析逗号分隔的文件…

这个问题可能是你正在试图从控制台读取的输入流中的东西。 如果您不想担心缓冲区中已存在的内容,则可以尝试对其进行刷新,以便从全新的空输入状态开始。 所有的Console.Read *函数看起来都是阻塞函数。 但是,也有KeyAvailable属性指示是否有可用的内容。


 private void clearInputBuffer() { while(Console.KeyAvailable) { Console.Read(); // read next key, but discard } } 

或者,用于输入的缓冲区在基本级别是流。 一个TextReader,具体。 这是可用的



问题是你误解了什么Console.Read 。 它从输入流中读取下一个字符并将其作为整数返回。 但是…这里是很好的一部分,除非你按下回车键,否则什么都不会进入。 所以如果你在第一个提示符处输入“abc”,然后回车,你将会从缓冲区中得到第一个字符,就像一个整数(97)。 但输入缓冲区将包含“bc”和换行符,然后由Readline消耗。

如果你想要从Console的字符串,调用ReadLine ,而不是Read