我想在Windows使用MinGW(gcc file.c -o compiled.exe)编译这个.c代码:
/***************************************************/ /* AUTHOR : LAW CHIU YUEN */ /* FILENAME : smtpr.c */ /***************************************************/ #ifdef WIN32 #include <windows.h> #include <winsock.h> #else #define closesocket close #include <unistd.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <ctype.h> //#define MYPORT 40711 // the port users will be connecting to #define PORT 25 #define MAXBUFLEN 1024 // max buffer size #define RELAY_NAME 255 // max length of file name #define BACKLOG 10 // how many pending connections queue will hold #define MAXDATASIZE 512 // max number of bytes we can get at once #define SQMAXDATASIZE 1048576 //1024 * 1024 #define RECVTIME 100 // max number of time to wait for client's message #define MAXEMAILADDRESS 320 // 64 + 1 + 255 #define MAXRCPT 50 //max number of mail receipients /* State1 */ #define ACCEPT 0 #define HELO 1 #define MAILFROM 2 #define RCPTTO 3 #define DATA 4 #define MESSAGE 5 #define QUIT 6 #define RELAY 7 /* State2 */ #define FIRSTHELO 0 #define SECONDHELO 1 #define MAXHELO 1024 /* tokenize mailto string, each time return the first email address */ /* eg. a@a.com,b@b.com,c@c.com --> a@a.com */ char* tokenize(char *mailto){ const char delimiters[] = ","; char *token, *cp; printf("b4 strtok: mailto:%s\n",mailto); /* Make writable copy. */ token = strtok (mailto, delimiters); /* token => "words" */ printf("tokenize() speaking : mailto: %s\n",mailto); printf("tokenize() speaking : token: %s\n",token); return token; } /* tokenize mailto string, each time return the email address other then the first one*/ /* first call: a@a.com,b@b.com,c@c.com --> b@b.com */ /* second call: a@a.com,b@b.com,c@c.com --> c@c.com */ char* tokenize_null(){ const char delimiters[] = ","; char *token, *cp; token = strtok (NULL, delimiters); /* token => "words" */ printf("tokenize_null() speaking : token: %s\n",token); return token; } /* take in an email_address, and header; */ /* convert to : header: email_address */ char* compose_mailheader(char *header,char *mail){ char *a = malloc(strlen(mail)+30); char *b = NULL; char *c = NULL; strcpy(a, header); b = strcat(a, mail); c = strcat(b, "\r\n"); printf("compose_mailheader: b=%s\n", b); return b; } /* 1. receive message from smtp server */ void receive(int fd, char* command, char *buf){ int numbytes; if ((numbytes=recv(fd, buf, MAXDATASIZE, 0)) == -1) { fprintf(stderr,"error in receiving\n"); exit(1); } buf[numbytes] = '\0'; printf(" receive() Received buf : %s",buf); if ( strstr(buf, command) != NULL ){ printf(" receive() Received command : %s\n",command); }else{ } } /* helo */ /* 1. called by relaymail() */ /* 2. interact with a smtp server */ void helo(int sockfd){ int numbytes; char buf2[MAXDATASIZE]; char buf[MAXDATASIZE]; printf("\n"); printf("helo is called\n"); /*receive 220*/ receive(sockfd, "220 ", buf); /* send helo */ if (send(sockfd, "HELO server\r\n", 13, 0) == -1) perror("HELO SERVER"); // printf("sent HELO SERVER\n"); /* receive 250*/ receive(sockfd, "250 ", buf); /* testing */ // if (send(sockfd, "HELO server\r\n", 13, 0) == -1) // perror("HELO SERVER"); // receive(sockfd, "250 ", buf); } /* mailfrom */ /* 1. called by relaymail() */ /* 2. interact with a smtp server */ void mailfrom(int sockfd,char *mail_from){ char buf[MAXDATASIZE] = "MAIL FROM:"; char *out; int numbytes; int i; printf("\n"); printf("mailfrom is called\n"); /* compose the "MAIL FROM:email@address.com" message */ strcat(buf, mail_from); strcat(buf, "\r\n"); printf("mailfrom() speaking: buf=%s\n", buf); printf("mailfrom() speaking: strlen(buf)=%i\n", strlen(buf)); /* send out */ if( send(sockfd, buf, strlen(buf), 0) == -1 ) perror("mailfrom()"); /* receive 250*/ receive(sockfd, "250 ", buf); } //mailfrom /* 1. called by rcptto() */ /* 2. interact with a smtp server */ void rcptto2(int sockfd,char *mailtos){ char buf[MAXDATASIZE]=""; char *a; char *out; int numbytes; int i,len; printf("\n"); printf("rcptto2 is called\n"); /* compose the "RCPT TO:email@address.com" message */ strcat(buf, "RCPT TO:"); strcat(buf, tokenize_null()); strcat(buf, "\r\n"); printf("rcptto2() speaking: buf=%s\n", buf); printf("rcptto2() speaking: strlen(buf)=%i\n", strlen(buf)); /* send out */ if( send(sockfd, buf, strlen(buf), 0) == -1 ) perror("rcptto()"); /* receive 250*/ receive(sockfd, "250 ", buf); /* clear the buffer */ for(i=0; i<strlen(buf);i++){ buf[i]='\0'; }//for() } /* rcptto */ /* 1. called by relaymail() */ /* 2. interact with a smtp server */ void rcptto(int sockfd,char *mailtos, int mailto_num){ char buf[MAXDATASIZE] = "RCPT TO:"; char *a; char *out; int numbytes; int i,len; printf("\n"); printf("rcptto is called\n"); /* sending the first address... */ /* compose the "RCPT TO:email@address.com" message */ strcat(buf, tokenize(mailtos)); strcat(buf, "\r\n"); printf("rcptto() speaking: buf=%s\n", buf); printf("rcptto() speaking: strlen(buf)=%i\n", strlen(buf)); /* send out */ if( send(sockfd, buf, strlen(buf), 0) == -1 ) perror("rcptto()"); /* receive 250*/ receive(sockfd, "250 ", buf); /* clear the buffer */ /* handle multiple recipients case*/ for(i=0;i<mailto_num-1;i++) rcptto2(sockfd, mailtos); /* sending remaining addresses... */ } //rcptto /* 1. called by relaymail() */ /* 2. interact with a smtp server */ void data(int sockfd){ char buf[MAXDATASIZE] = ""; printf("\n"); printf("data() is called\n"); /* send "DATA" */ if( send(sockfd, "DATA\r\n", 6, 0) == -1 ) perror("data()"); /* receive 354 */ receive(sockfd, "354 ", buf); } /* 1. called by relaymail() */ /* 2. interact with a smtp server */ void message(int sockfd, char *msg){ int times,i,j; int remainder; printf("\n"); char out[1025]; printf("message() is called\n"); times = strlen(msg) / MAXDATASIZE; remainder = strlen(msg) - (times * MAXDATASIZE); printf("remainder: %i\n", remainder); printf("times: %i\n", times); for (i=0;i< times;i++){ for (j=0;j< 1024;j++) out[j]= msg[1024*i + j]; out[1024 +1] = '\0'; printf("sending msg: %i\n", i); if( send(sockfd, out, 1025, 0) == -1 ); } printf("end while: %i\n", i); printf("out: %s\n", out); for (j=0;j< remainder;j++) out[j]= msg[1024*times + j]; out[remainder +1] = '\0'; if( send(sockfd, out, remainder+1, 0) == -1 ) perror("message"); printf("out: %s\n", out); } /* 1. called by relaymail() */ /* 2. interact with a smtp server */ void quit(int sockfd){ char buf[MAXDATASIZE] = ""; printf("\n"); printf("quit() is called\n"); /* send "QUIT" */ if( send(sockfd, "QUIT\r\n", 6, 0) == -1 ) perror("quit()"); /* receive 354 */ receive(sockfd, "250 ", buf); } /*relay mail to a email server*/ void relaymail(char *relay,char *mail_from, char *mailto, int mailto_num, char *msg){ int sockfd, numbytes; char buf[MAXDATASIZE]; struct hostent *he; struct sockaddr_in their_addr; // connector's address information int state = 1; int logswitch = 0; int logwhile = 0; if ((he=gethostbyname(relay)) == NULL) { // get the host info fprintf(stderr,"gethostbyname fail\n"); exit(1); } if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) { fprintf(stderr,"fail to create socket\n"); exit(1); } their_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; // host byte order their_addr.sin_port = htons(PORT); // short, network byte order their_addr.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)he->h_addr); memset(&(their_addr.sin_zero), '\0', 8); // zero the rest of the struct if (connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&their_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1) { fprintf(stderr,"connect fail\n"); exit(1); } while (state <7 && logwhile <10){ /* make sure the program won't run indefinitely */ logwhile++; /* log */ // printf("\n"); // printf("logwhile = %i\n", logwhile); // printf("state = %i\n", state); // printf("\n"); switch (state){ case HELO : helo(sockfd); state++; printf ("end of case HELO\n"); break; case MAILFROM : mailfrom(sockfd, mail_from); state++; printf ("relaymail(): end of case MAILFROM\n"); break; case RCPTTO : rcptto(sockfd, mailto, mailto_num); state++; printf ("relaymail(): end of case RCPTTO\n"); break; case DATA : data(sockfd); state++; printf ("relaymail(): end of case DATA\n"); break; case MESSAGE : message(sockfd, msg); printf ("relaymail(): end of case MESSAGE\n"); state++; printf ("relaymail(): end of case MESSAGE\n"); case QUIT : quit(sockfd); state++; printf ("end of case QUIT\n"); closesocket(sockfd); break; default : break; } } // while() closesocket(sockfd); } /* remove < > */ char* remove_brackets(char* input) { int length; int i, j; char* output; length = strlen(input); output = (char*) malloc(length + 1); j = 0; /* copy character of input which in not equal to < or > to output */ for (i=0; i<length; i++) if ((input[i]!='<') && (input[i]!='>')) { output[j] = input[i]; j++; } output[j] = '\0'; return output; } /* trim the space(s) before and after the string */ char* trim_space(char* input) { int i, j, length, is_ch, is_end, end_pos; char *output; /* trim the space(s) before the string */ length = strlen(input); output = (char*) malloc (length+1); is_ch = 0; is_end = 0; j = 0; for(i=0; i<length; i++) { /* copy input characters to output */ if (is_ch==1 || !isspace(input[i])) { output[j] = input[i]; j++; is_ch = 1; } } output[j] = '\0'; /* trim the space(s) after the string */ length = strlen(output); end_pos = length-1; is_end = 0; for (i=0; i<length; i++) if (is_end==0 && isspace(output[i])) { is_end = 1; end_pos = i; } else if (!isspace(output[i])) is_end = 0; output[end_pos] = '\0'; return output; } /* convert : MAIL FROM: a@a.com ---> a@a.com */ char *extractemail(const char *buf, const int i){ char * email = NULL; char * tmp_email = NULL; char * tmp_email2 = NULL; char * tmp_email3 = NULL; /* extract email address */ /* 1. remove MAIL FROM: */ email = malloc(strlen(buf)); strcpy(email,buf); email += i; printf("\n"); printf("email =%s\n", email); printf("email length =%i\n", strlen(email)); printf("\n"); /* 2. trim head and trailing whitespace */ tmp_email = trim_space(email); printf("trimmed email= %s\n", tmp_email); /* 3. remove <> */ tmp_email2 = remove_brackets(tmp_email); printf("remove<> email= %s\n", tmp_email2); /* 4. trim again */ // tmp_email3 = trim_space("ellen@cs.com.hk"); // printf("\n"); // printf("extracted email= ~~~~~~%s~~~~~~\n", tmp_email3); // printf("\n"); // printf("extracted email= ~~~~~~%s~~~~~~\n", tmp_email3); return tmp_email2; } /* check if email address is a valid one */ int check_email_validity(const char *address) { // check if email address is valid // return 1 if valid // return 0 if invalid int number = 0; const char *a, *host; static char *special_characters = "()<>@,;:\\\"[]"; /* validate name */ for (a = address; *a; a++) { if (*a == '\"' && (a == address || *(a - 1) == '.' || *(a - 1) == '\"')) { while (*++a) { if (*a == '\"') break; if (*a == '\\' && (*++a == ' ')) continue; if (*a <= ' ' || *a >= 127) return 0; } if (!*a++) return 0; if (*a == '@') break; if (*a != '.') return 0; continue; } if (*a == '@') break; if (*a <= ' ' || *a >= 127) return 0; if (strchr(special_characters, *a)) return 0; } if (a == address || *(a - 1) == '.') return 0; /* next we validate the host portion (name@host) */ if (!*(host = ++a)) return 0; do { if (*a == '.') { if (a == host || *(a - 1) == '.') return 0; number++; } if (*a <= ' ' || *a >= 127) return 0; if (strchr(special_characters, *a)) return 0; } while (*++a); return (number >= 1); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int sockfd, new_fd; // listen on sock_fd, new connection on new_fd struct sockaddr_in my_addr; // my address information struct sockaddr_in their_addr; // connector's address information int sin_size; int yes=1; socklen_t addr_len; int numbytes=0; char buf[MAXBUFLEN] = ""; char tmp_msg[MAXBUFLEN] =""; char message[SQMAXDATASIZE]; char message_buf[10000]; char *msg = message; char quit[MAXBUFLEN]; int MYPORT; char relay[RELAY_NAME]; int i,j; char *email = NULL; char *email2 = NULL; char *mail_from = NULL; char *mail_to = NULL; char *tmp_mail = NULL; char mailtos[2000]; int mailto_num =0; char *data = NULL; char *data2 = NULL; char *quit1 = NULL; char *quit2 = NULL; int state1 = 0; // int state2 = 0; // keep track of number of 'helo's int logwhile = 0; char hardcode_email[15] = "cylaw@cs.hku.hk"; #ifdef WIN32 WSADATA wsaData; WSAStartup(0x0101, &wsaData); #endif /* check number of parameters */ if ( argc != 3 && argc !=2 ) { fprintf(stderr,"usage: smtpr <port number> (<relay server>)\n"); exit(1); } /* fill in port number */ MYPORT = atoi(argv[1]); if ( MYPORT <= 0){ fprintf(stderr, "Invalid port number.\nusage: smtpr <port number> (<relay server>)\n"); exit(1); } /* fill in the server relay to */ if (argc == 2) strcpy(relay, "some.mail.server"); else if (argc == 3) strcpy(relay, argv[2]); printf("relay to %s\n", relay); /*create a TCP socket */ if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) { perror("socket"); exit(1); } printf("port number : %i\n", MYPORT); my_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; // host byte order my_addr.sin_port = htons(MYPORT); // short, network byte order my_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); // automatically fill with my IP memset(&(my_addr.sin_zero), '\0', 8); // zero the rest of the struct /* bind to the port number*/ if (bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&my_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1) { perror("bind"); exit(1); } /* listen*/ if (listen(sockfd, BACKLOG) == -1) { perror("listen"); exit(1); } /* slow the receiving speed */ // sleep(1); while(1){ logwhile++; switch ( state1 ){ case ACCEPT: /* accept */ sin_size = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); if ((new_fd = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&their_addr, &sin_size)) == -1) { perror("accept"); } printf("server: got connection from %s\n",inet_ntoa(their_addr.sin_addr)); /* send msg : 220 */ if (send(new_fd, "220 cylaw's smtpr ready\r\n", 25, 0) == -1) perror("send"); /*proceed to next state*/ printf("state1 = %i\n", state1); state1++; break; case HELO: if(state2 == 0){ //state2 keep track of if this is the first HELO if ((numbytes=recv(new_fd, buf, MAXDATASIZE, 0)) == -1) { perror("recv"); exit(1); } } buf[numbytes] = '\0'; /* log */ printf("case HELO\n"); printf("============\n"); printf("buf :%s\n", buf); /* check on length */ if ( strlen(buf) < 6 || strlen(buf) > MAXDATASIZE ){ printf("550 Syntax: <HELO>\n"); if (send(new_fd, "550 Syntax: <HELO|EHLO> <hostname>\r\n", 36, 0) == -1) perror("HELO send"); } /* compare (case-insensitively) the first 4 bytes of buf with "HELO" and "EHLO" */ if ( (strncasecmp(buf, "HELO ", 5) != 0) && (strncasecmp(buf, "EHLO ", 5) != 0 ) ){ printf("550 Syntax: <HELO>\n"); if (send(new_fd, "550 Syntax: <HELO|EHLO> <hostname>\r\n", 36, 0) == -1) perror("HELO-1 send"); } /* not implement case : helo<space>aaaaa<space> */ if ( buf[5] == '\0' && buf[5] == ' ' ){ printf("550 Syntax: <HELO|EHLO> <hostname>\n"); if (send(new_fd, "550 Syntax: <HELO|EHLO> <hostname>\r\n", 36, 0) == -1) perror("HELO-2 send"); } /* send 250 OK */ printf("250 HELO OK\n"); if ( send( new_fd, "250 HELO OK\r\n", 13, 0 ) == -1 ) perror("HELO-250-OK send"); printf("\n"); /*proceed to next state*/ state1++; state2++; break; //case HELO case MAILFROM : if ((numbytes=recv(new_fd, buf, MAXDATASIZE, 0)) == -1) { perror("recv"); exit(1); } buf[numbytes] = '\0'; /* log */ printf("\n"); printf("case MAILFROM\n"); printf("=============\n"); printf("buf :%s\n", buf); /* HELO */ if ( (strncasecmp(buf, "HELO ", 5) == 0) || (strncasecmp(buf, "EHLO ", 5) == 0 ) ){ printf("HELO received at case MAILFROM, go back to case HELO\n"); state1--; break; } /* check "MAIL FROM:" */ if ( strncasecmp(buf, "MAIL FROM:", 10) != 0 ){ printf("550 Syntax: MAIL FROM: <email-address>\n"); if (send(new_fd, "550 Syntax: MAIL FROM: <email-address>\r\n", 40, 0) == -1) perror("MAIL FROM: send()"); exit(1); } /* extract email address */ mail_from = extractemail(buf, 10); /* check email validity */ if ( check_email_validity(mail_from) == 0 ){ //0 - invalid 1 - valid printf("550 Invalid email address\r\n"); if (send(new_fd, "550 Invalid email address\r\n", 27, 0) == -1) perror("Email address send()"); break; //case MAILFROM } /* send 250 OK */ printf("250 MAIL FROM OK\n"); if ( send( new_fd, "250 MAIL FROM OK\r\n", 18, 0 ) == -1 ) perror("MAILFROM-250-OK send()"); printf("\n"); state1++; break; //case MAILFROM case RCPTTO : /* check if this is the first MAIL FROM: <> line */ if ( mailto_num == 0){ if ((numbytes=recv(new_fd, buf, MAXDATASIZE, 0)) == -1) { perror("recv"); exit(1); } buf[numbytes] = '\0'; } /* log */ printf("\n"); printf("case RCPTTO\n"); printf("=============\n"); printf("state1 = %i\n", state1); printf("buf :%s\n", buf); /* check RCPT TO: <...> */ if ( strncasecmp(buf, "RCPT TO:", 8) != 0 ){ printf("550 Syntax: RCPT TO: <email-address>\n"); if (send(new_fd, "550 Syntax: RCPT TO: <email-address>\r\n", 38, 0) == -1) perror("MAIL FROM: send()"); } /* extract email address */ mail_to = extractemail(buf, 8); // 8 = strlen("RPCT TO:") /* recipients address on to mailtos []*/ strcat(mailtos, mail_to); strcat(mailtos, ","); mailto_num++; printf("mailtos %s\n", mailtos); printf("mailto_num %i\n", mailto_num); /* check email validity */ if ( check_email_validity(mail_to) == 0 ){ printf("550 Invalid email address\n"); if (send(new_fd, "550 Invalid email address\r\n", 27, 0) == -1) perror("RCPTTO address send()"); break; //case MAILFROM } /* send 250 OK */ printf("250 RCPT TO OK\n"); if ( send( new_fd, "250 RCPT TO OK\r\n", 16, 0 ) == -1 ) perror("MAILFROM-250-OK send()"); state1++; break; // case RCPTTO case DATA : if ((numbytes=recv(new_fd, buf, MAXDATASIZE, 0)) == -1) { perror("recv"); exit(1); } buf[numbytes] = '\0'; /* log */ printf("\n"); printf("case DATA\n"); printf("=============\n"); printf("state1 = %i\n", state1); printf("buf :%s\n", buf); /* multiple recipients */ if ( strncasecmp(buf, "RCPT TO:", 8 ) == 0){ printf("Multiple recipients -- Go back to state RCPT TO\n"); printf("\n"); state1--; break; } if ( strncasecmp(buf,"DATA", 4) != 0 ){ printf("451 Syntax: DATA\n"); if (send(new_fd, "451 Syntax: DATA\r\n", 18, 0) == -1) perror("DATA send"); } else{ /* send 354 OK */ // send( new_fd, "354 End\r\n", 10, 0 ); printf("354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>\n"); if ( send( new_fd, "354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>\r\n", 37, 0 ) == -1 ){ perror("MAILFROM-354-OK send()"); printf("354 error\n"); exit(1); } printf("\n"); } state1++; break; // case DATA case MESSAGE : printf("\n"); printf("case MESSAGE\n"); printf("============\n"); i=0; while(i<10000){ i++; if ((numbytes=recv(new_fd, message_buf, 9999, 0)) == -1) { perror("recv"); exit(1); } message_buf[numbytes] = '\0'; /* log */ // printf("message_buf:\n\n%s", message_buf); /* append message_buf to message */ strcat(message, message_buf); if (strstr (message_buf, "\r\n.\r\n") != NULL ){ /* send 250 OK */ printf(". found\n"); if ( send( new_fd, "250 message received\r\n", 22, 0 ) == -1 ) perror("MESSAGE"); printf("message:\n\n %s\n", message); state1++; break; }//if() }//while() state1++; break; case QUIT : if ((numbytes=recv(new_fd, quit, MAXDATASIZE, 0)) == -1) { perror("recv"); exit(1); } quit[numbytes] = '\0'; /* log */ printf("\n"); printf("case QUIT\n"); printf("=============\n"); printf("buf :%s\n", quit); printf("\n"); /* trim space " QUIT " */ // quit1 = malloc(strlen(quit)); // strcpy(quit1, quit); // printf("quit :%s\n", quit1); // quit2 = trim_space(quit1); // printf("quit :%s\n", quit1); /* check QUIT */ if ( strncasecmp(quit, "QUIT", 4) != 0 ){ state1 = QUIT; if (send(new_fd, "550 Syntax: QUIT\r\n", 18, 0) == -1) perror("QUIT"); }else{ /* send 221 OK */ if ( send( new_fd, "221 QUIT.\r\n", 11, 0 ) == -1 ) perror("QUIT"); printf("QUIT!\n"); closesocket(new_fd); state1++; break; } break; // case QUIT case RELAY : relaymail(relay,mail_from,mailtos,mailto_num, msg); /* go back to ACCEPT states */ state1 = ACCEPT; /* reset variables */ strcpy(buf, ""); strcpy(tmp_msg, ""); strcpy(message, ""); strcpy(message_buf, ""); strcpy(quit,""); i=0;j=0; email = NULL; email2 = NULL; mail_from = NULL; mail_to = NULL; tmp_mail = NULL; strcpy(mailtos, ""); mailto_num =0; data = NULL; data2 = NULL; quit1 = NULL; quit2 = NULL; state2 = 0; break; default : break; }//switch } // while(1) close(new_fd); #ifdef WIN32 WSACleanup(); #endif return 0; }
C:\MinGW\bin>gcc file.c -o compiled.exe file.c: In function `main': file.c:973: error: `socklen_t' undeclared (first use in this function) file.c:973: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once file.c:973: error: for each function it appears in.) file.c:973: error: syntax error before "addr_len"
找出哪个.h文件被定义,并包含它。 在Unix / Linux上,我将在/ usr / include中找到一个find / grep
$ find /usr/include -name \*.h -print0 |xargs -0 grep -w socklen_t ... /usr/include/unistd.h:typedef __socklen_t socklen_t; ... /usr/include/sys/socket.h: socklen_t *__restrict __addr_len);
看起来像是在unistd.h中定义的 – 但是你已经包含了那个,所以我想你已经被覆盖了。 我不知道如何找到哪一个文件包含在Windows端。
#include <ws2tcpip.h>
– 这很可能是它定义的地方。 你的代码可以用CygWin编译,因为socket.h
typedef int socklen_t;
作为一个kludge,你可以尝试添加该行到你自己的代码。 但是,你仍然应该调查为什么它失踪,也许会提出一个错误报告。
有很多网页抱怨MinGW不支持socklen_t,例如在这里 , 在 这里和这里 ,最后一个声明它住在ws2tcpip.h
根据Unix规范 ,socket.h提供了一个类型socklen_t,它是一个长度至少为32位的无符号不透明整型。 显然MingW不包括它。
#include <stdint.h> typedef uint32_t socklen_t;