

不允许recursion或使用堆栈。 (这个algorithm很简单)

我花了3天没有运气。 我知道fork()和pipes()是如何工作的,但是我不能像recursion一样运行它们。


int poss; //global var int prefixNotationCalc(char tokens[30][30], int start) { char * token; poss = start; int op1, op2; token = tokens[poss]; if (isOperator(token) == 0) { poss++; return atoi(token); } else { poss++; int op1 = prefixNotationCalc(tokens, poss); int op2 = prefixNotationCalc(tokens, poss); if (*token == '*') { return op1*op2; } else if (*token == '/') { return op1/op2; } else if (*token == '+') { return op1+op2; } else { return op1-op2; } } } 

现在我尝试用fork()和pipe()来模拟这个逻辑。 我写了非常庞大的代码,所以我不会在这里发表。 我只是想向你展示一些我的逻辑。


 int left_res[2]; (like op1 in recursion) int right_res[2]; (like op2 in recursion) int global_index[2]; (like op1 in recursion) 

然后我有一个问题。 因为recursion和fork()之间的区别。 recursion:当有recursion调用时,函数从头开始。 叉:在我叫fork()的地方,孩子和父母继续从当前位置开始工作


例如,来回input:+ * 2 4 5 – – 6 7 8


 for () { main process : + operator -> left_pid = fork(); waitpid(left_pid); -left_pid process : * operator -> left_pid = fork(); waitpid(left_pid); ----left_pid process : + operator -> left_pid = fork(); waitpid(left_pid); -------left_pid process : 2 NOT operator -> wrote [2] to pipe; ----parent waited for left_pid, continue and create right_pid = fork(); waitpid(right_pid); ----right_pid process : 4 NOT operator -> wrote [4] to pipe; ... ... ... when left and right processes closed, I can calculate sum of left_res & right_res in their common parent. } 

我的逻辑是对的吗? 也许有没有办法用叉子做这种行为?


  for (i = 0; i < tokensNumber; i++) { if (isOperator(tokens[i]) == 0) { /* Some code */ } else { if ((childLeftId = fork()) == 0 || (childRightId = fork()) == 0) { /* Some code */ } else { // wait for left child statusLeft = waitpid(childLeftId, &statusLeft, NULL); // wait for right child statusRight = waitpid(childRightId, &statusRight, NULL); /* Some code */ if (*token == '*') { result = op1*op2; } else if (*token == '/') { result = op1/op2; } else if (*token == '+') { result = op1+op2; } else { result = op1-op2; } } } } 

是否有两个孩子在一个普通的ELSE节中运行fork()的权利? 也许我必须使用这个层次?

  for (i = 0; i < tokensNumber; i++) { if (isOperator(tokens[i]) == 0) { /* Some code */ } else { if ((childLeftId = fork()) == 0) { /* Some code */ } else { // wait for left child statusLeft = waitpid(childLeftId, &statusLeft, NULL); if ((childRightId = fork()) == 0) { /* Some code */ } else { // wait for right child statusRight = waitpid(childRightId, &statusRight, NULL); } /* Some code */ if (*token == '*') { result = op1*op2; } else if (*token == '/') { result = op1/op2; } else if (*token == '+') { result = op1+op2; } else { result = op1-op2; } } } } 


为了让你习惯于伪代码,我将展示几个解决方案,从简单的递归版本到所需的迭代fork + pipe版本。

我假设gettoken()函数被定义为一次返回一个标记。 波兰语言符号是递归评估的理想选择:

 def pn_eval(): token = gettoken() if token in OPERATORS: # token is an operator return OPERATORS[token](pn_eval(), pn_eval()) return int(token) # token is a number 

其中OPERATORS是散列表:令牌 – > binop:

 from operator import add, floordiv, mul, sub OPERATORS = {'*': mul, '/': floordiv, # keep it integer '+': add, '-': sub} 




 from os import _exit, fdopen, fork, pipe def pn_eval_fork_pipe(result_out, ischild=False): def return_(result): fdopen(result_out, 'w').write(str(result)) (exit if not ischild else _exit)(0) token = gettoken() op = OPERATORS.get(token) if op is not None: return_(op(eval_subtree(), eval_subtree())) return_(int(token)) # number def eval_subtree(): result_in, result_out = pipe() if fork() == 0: # child process close(result_in) # unused pn_eval_fork_pipe(result_out, ischild=True) # parent process close(result_out) # unused return int(fdopen(result_in, 'r').read()) 


 from sys import stdout pn_eval_fork_pipe(stdout.fileno()) 


 from os import _exit, close, fdopen, fork, pipe def pn_eval_fork_pipe_iter(result_out_fd): def return_(result, orig_fd=result_out_fd): # earlier binding fdopen(result_out_fd, 'w').write(str(result)) (exit if result_out_fd is orig_fd else _exit)(0) # late binding getresult = lambda fd: int(fdopen(fd, 'r').read()) while True: token = gettoken() if not token: # EOF break op = OPERATORS.get(token) if op is not None: # token is an operator arg1_fd = pipe() if fork() == 0: # child close(arg1_fd[0]) # unused close(result_out_fd) result_out_fd = arg1_fd[1] # overwrite in child else: # parent close(arg1_fd[1]) # unused arg1 = getresult(arg1_fd[0]) arg2_fd = pipe() if fork() == 0: # child close(arg2_fd[0]) # unused close(result_out_fd) result_out_fd = arg2_fd[1] # overwrite in child else: # parent close(arg2_fd[1]) arg2 = getresult(arg2_fd[0]) return_(op(arg1, arg2)) else: # number return_(int(token)) 


 from sys import stdout pn_eval_fork_pipe_iter(stdout.fileno()) 

下面是Python中gettoken()的一个示例实现。 它假设输入是通过stdin给出的:

 from os import close, read from sys import stdin def generate_tokens(r): buf = [] while True: b = read(r, 1) # read one byte if not b: # EOF close(r) if buf: yield b''.join(buf).decode('ascii') # last token return elif not b.isspace(): # grow token buf.append(b) elif buf: # full token read yield b''.join(buf).decode('ascii') buf = [] tokens = generate_tokens(stdin.fileno()) gettoken = lambda: next(tokens, None) 

完整的C程序 。


int prefixNotationCalc(char tokens [30] [30],int start,int fd [2])

使用sprintf(“%d%d”)/ write和read / sscanf(“%d%d”)最简单吗?


不要从编写代码开始。 编写伪代码,让您的算法先行。 写它就好像是递归的,但当你需要递归调用,然后到顶部(或使用循环)。

我认为你只需要一个管道,因为任何时候只有一个进程正在运行。 所有其他人都在等待某人完成。 我不确定在不同的时间管道的多个阅读器/作者可能需要多个管道,但是如果你需要它们,只需在分叉和连接之前按照预期创建一个管道。 (我没有尝试这个;-)



 int prefixNotationCalc(char tokens[30][30], int start, int FD[2]) TOP: if (isOperator...) { if (!fork()) goto TOP; // child does left argument // get left answer and new position via pipe if (!fork()) goto TOP; // child does right argument // get right answer and new position via pipe // combine left and right answers with operator } else { // not an operator // compute answer (non operator is a number) } // return answer and position via pipe // and exit... this is your loop exit and process exit