您可以通过将其读取为文本,etcera 来创建/修改文件,但使用现有的第三方Java库会更简单。 我已经成功地使用了开源的ini4j Java库。
我使用ini4J ,它只在一个条件下与我一起工作:文件夹路径不应该有任何空间。
// Create destop.ini file writer = new BufferedWriter("your folder path without any spaces"); writer.write(""); writer.close(); // Set file attributes hidden and system and set folder as system folder and not hidden Wini ini = new Wini("your folder path without any spaces"); String field = "icon Path" + ",0"; ini.put(".ShellClassInfo", "IconResource", field); ini.store(); Process processCreateFile = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("attrib +h +s " + "desktop.ini file path"); Process processCreateFolder = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("attrib -h +s " + "your folder path without any spaces");