


我有一个AutoHotkey可执行文件,将突出显示的文本放入剪贴板,然后用剪贴板在Chrome中执行Googlesearch。 我想要一个registry添加,让我在菜单中单击,运行该可执行文件。 我已经在资源pipe理器的上下文菜单中实现了这一点(用于处理第三方应用程序的文件等),但是我没有发现能够改变这个特定菜单的任何地方。




HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\Shell\My Script\command (Default) REG_SZ "C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe" "C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\My Script.ahk" "%1" 



 vPath = %1% 



图像中的上下文菜单是一个编辑控件的上下文菜单。 改变菜单会更困难。 当您重命名文件时,您正在编辑小编辑控件上的文本。

要“添加”一个菜单项,最简单的方法是用你自己的自定义上下文菜单替换整个菜单。 用您自定义的菜单项在上面,您可能会想要重新创建在编辑控件上操作的撤销/剪切/复制/粘贴/删除/全选项目。 使用ControlGet, vText, Selected例如重新创建复制功能。 您还需要通过RButton快捷键捕获右键单击,并使用ControlGetFocus检查Edit控件是否处于焦点状态, MouseGetPos检查Edit控件是否位于光标下方。 所以会涉及一些工作。 关于捕捉右键单击,请参阅下面的链接,您将在哪里用RButton替换LButton。 祝你好运!

是否有可能赶上关闭按钮,并尽量减少窗口? AutoHotkey的



下面的AutoHotkey脚本为Explorer提供了这样的功能(在Windows 7上测试过),它复制了Edit控制菜单,并添加了一个按钮,在默认的Web浏览器中打开选定的文本。


 ;AutoHotkey script for: ;windows - Can I edit the context menu of a text field (not Explorer context menu)? - Stack Overflow ;http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39827324/can-i-edit-the-context-menu-of-a-text-field-not-explorer-context-menu/41343741#41343741 ;see also: ;contextmenu - Can I add a custom paste option to the windows text editing context menu? - Stack Overflow ;http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17370415/can-i-add-a-custom-paste-option-to-the-windows-text-editing-context-menu/41343891#41343891 ;tested on Windows 7 GroupAdd, WinGroupFolder, ahk_class CabinetWClass ;explorer #IfWinActive, ahk_group WinGroupFolder $RButton Up:: ;explorer - custom Edit control menu $AppsKey:: ;explorer - custom Edit control menu ;#IfWinActive, ahk_class Notepad ;$RButton Up:: ;notepad - custom Edit control menu ;$AppsKey:: ;notepad - custom Edit control menu ;STAGE - create menu if not already created if !vIsReady { Menu, EditMenu, Add, &My Item, MyItem Menu, EditMenu, Add ;------------------------------ Menu, EditMenu, Add, &Undo, EditUndo Menu, EditMenu, Add ;------------------------------ Menu, EditMenu, Add, Cu&t, EditCut Menu, EditMenu, Add, &Copy, EditCopy Menu, EditMenu, Add, &Paste, EditPaste Menu, EditMenu, Add, &Delete, EditDelete Menu, EditMenu, Add ;------------------------------ Menu, EditMenu, Add, Select &All, EditSelectAll VarSetCapacity(vPos1, 4), VarSetCapacity(vPos2, 4) VarSetCapacity(vPos1X, 4), VarSetCapacity(vPos2X, 4) vIsReady := 1 } ;STAGE - perform certain checks, if any of them fail ;then let hotkeys perform their normal function, ;start by stating that, so far, the checks have not failed vRet := 1 ;check - if active control is an Edit/RichEdit control if vRet { WinGet, hWnd, ID, A ControlGetFocus, vCtlClassNN, ahk_id %hWnd% ControlGet, hCtl, Hwnd, , %vCtlClassNN%, ahk_id %hWnd% WinGetClass, vWinClass, ahk_id %hCtl% if !(SubStr(vWinClass, 1, 4) = "Edit") && !(SubStr(vWinClass, 1, 8) = RichEdit) vRet := 0 } ;check - if a right-click was performed, the control ;under the cursor must be the active control if vRet && InStr(A_ThisHotkey, "RButton") { CoordMode, Mouse, Screen MouseGetPos, vPosX, vPosY, , hCtl2, 3 if !(hCtl2 = hCtl) vRet := 0 } ;check - the Edit control must be for a file icon and not the address bar if vRet { ;hWndParent := DllCall("user32\GetParent", Ptr,hCtl, Ptr) hWndParent := DllCall("user32\GetAncestor", Ptr,hCtl, UInt,1, Ptr) ;GA_PARENT := 1 WinGetClass, vWinClassParent, ahk_id %hWndParent% if (vWinClassParent = "ComboBox") vRet := 0 } ;if a check has failed, then let hotkeys perform their normal function if !vRet { if InStr(A_ThisHotkey, "RButton") SendInput {Click right} if InStr(A_ThisHotkey, "AppsKey") SendInput {AppsKey} Return } ;STAGE - if clicked Edit control, menu will appear ;relative to cursor coordinates retrieved earlier, ;if pressed AppsKey, menu will appear in centre of Edit control if !InStr(A_ThisHotkey, "RButton") { WinGetPos, vPosX, vPosY, vPosW, vPosH, ahk_id %hCtl% vPosX += vPosW/2, vPosY += vPosH/2 } ;STAGE - retrieve information from Edit control ;and disable menu items accordingly ;Undo - check undo status (is undo available) ;Cut - check text selection > 0 ;Copy - check text selection > 0 ;Paste - check clipboard not empty ;Delete - check text selection > 0 ;Select All - always available SendMessage, 0xC6, 0, 0, , ahk_id %hCtl% ;EM_CANUNDO := 0xC6 vOptU := ErrorLevel ? "En" : "Dis" ;1=undo available/0=undo not available ControlGet, vText, Selected, , , ahk_id %hCtl% vOptT := StrLen(vText) ? "En" : "Dis" vOptC := StrLen(Clipboard) ? "En" : "Dis" Menu, EditMenu, % vOptU "able", &Undo, EditUndo Menu, EditMenu, % vOptT "able", Cu&t, EditCut Menu, EditMenu, % vOptT "able", &Copy, EditCopy Menu, EditMenu, % vOptC "able", &Paste, EditPaste Menu, EditMenu, % vOptT "able", &Delete, EditDelete ;STAGE - get Edit control character positions ;(unfortunately showing the custom menu ends the rename mode, ;we get the Edit control character positions in order to restore them later) SendMessage, 0xB0, &vPos1, &vPos2, , ahk_id %hCtl% ;EM_GETSEL := 0xB0 vPos1 := NumGet(vPos1), vPos2 := NumGet(vPos2) ;STAGE - show menu CoordMode, Menu, Screen Menu, EditMenu, Show, %vPosX%, %vPosY% Return ;============================== ;STAGE - replicate standard Edit control menu items ;(or perform custom menu function) ;(unfortunately showing the custom menu ends the rename mode, ;so the Edit control has to be put into rename again, ;and the character positions restored) EditUndo: EditCut: EditCopy: EditPaste: EditDelete: EditSelectAll: MyItem: ;STAGE - enter rename mode again IfWinActive, ahk_group WinGroupFolder { SendInput {F2} Loop, 20 { ControlGetFocus, vCtlClassNN, ahk_id %hWnd% if (SubStr(vCtlClassNN, 1, 4) = "Edit") break Sleep 50 } if !(SubStr(vCtlClassNN, 1, 4) = "Edit") { MsgBox % "error" Return } ControlGet, hCtl, Hwnd, , % vCtlClassNN, ahk_id %hWnd% ;STAGE - restore character positions if !InStr(A_ThisLabel, "SelectAll") && !InStr(A_ThisLabel, "MyItem") { vRet := 0 Loop, 100 { SendMessage, 0xB1, vPos1, vPos2, , ahk_id %hCtl% ;EM_SETSEL := 0xB1 SendMessage, 0xB0, &vPos1X, &vPos2X, , ahk_id %hCtl% ;EM_GETSEL := 0xB0 vPos1X := NumGet(vPos1X), vPos2X := NumGet(vPos2X) if (vPos1 = vPos1X) && (vPos2 = vPos2X) { vRet := 1 break } Sleep 50 if !vRet { MsgBox % "error" Return } } } } ;STAGE - perform standard Edit control menu functions if InStr(A_ThisLabel , "Undo") SendMessage, 0x304, , , , ahk_id %hCtl% ;WM_UNDO := 0x304 if InStr(A_ThisLabel , "Cut") SendMessage, 0x300, , , , ahk_id %hCtl% ;WM_CUT := 0x300 if InStr(A_ThisLabel , "Copy") SendMessage, 0x301, , , , ahk_id %hCtl% ;WM_COPY := 0x301 if InStr(A_ThisLabel , "Paste") SendMessage, 0x302, , , , ahk_id %hCtl% ;WM_PASTE := 0x302 if InStr(A_ThisLabel , "Delete") SendMessage, 0x303, , , , ahk_id %hCtl% ;WM_CLEAR := 0x303 if InStr(A_ThisLabel , "SelectAll") SendMessage, 0xB1, 0, -1, , ahk_id %hCtl% ;EM_SETSEL := 0xB1 ;STAGE - actions to take if user chooses custom menu item if 0 ;this comments out the 6 lines below if InStr(A_ThisLabel , "MyItem") { vText := "My String" ;ControlSend, , % vText, ahk_id %hCtl% ;use SendInput instead since capitalisation can be unreliable SendInput {Raw}%vText% } ;STAGE - actions to take if user chooses custom menu item if InStr(A_ThisLabel , "MyItem") && !(vText = "") { MsgBox, 0x40003, , % "Choose 'Yes' to search for:`r`n" vText IfMsgBox Yes { vUrl := "http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=" UriEncode(vText) Run, "%vUrl%" ;Run, chrome.exe "%vUrl%" } } Return #IfWinActive ;================================================== ;URL encoding - Rosetta Code ;https://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/URL_encoding#AutoHotkey ; Modified from https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/75390-ahk-l-unicode-uri-encode-url-encode-function/?p=480216 UriEncode(Uri) { VarSetCapacity(Var, StrPut(Uri, "UTF-8"), 0) StrPut(Uri, &Var, "UTF-8") f := A_FormatInteger SetFormat, IntegerFast, H While Code := NumGet(Var, A_Index - 1, "UChar") If (Code >= 0x30 && Code <= 0x39 ; 0-9 || Code >= 0x41 && Code <= 0x5A ; AZ || Code >= 0x61 && Code <= 0x7A) ; az Res .= Chr(Code) Else Res .= "%" . SubStr(Code + 0x100, -1) SetFormat, IntegerFast, %f% Return, Res } ;==================================================