
与我以前的问题相关 ,但与C#,我需要精确的系统时间,包括毫秒。


队列性能计数器的情况也是如此。 有没有其他的方法可以精确到毫秒级?

Windows不想通过每秒更新系统时钟1000次来浪费电力,所以默认情况下每秒只更新60-100次。 如果将多媒体定时器设置为1ms,则可以从时钟获得1ms的分辨率,但不建议这样做。

为了详细说明节电情况,当CPU空闲一段时间后会发生什么情况,它会进入一个非常低功耗的状态。 每当它被中断(例如,增加时钟滴答)时,它必须保持其非常低的功耗状态,并且使用大量的电力来为整个CPU供电以服务该中断。 换句话说,额外的功能并不是增加时钟滴答,而是让CPU保持清醒。



CodeProject链接不再工作。 我从archive.org中提取了代码,并将其嵌入到这里供将来参考。 这个代码是“按原样”包含在CodeProject页面中的。


 using System.Diagnostics; /// DateTimePrecise provides a way to get a DateTime that exhibits the /// relative precision of /// System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch, and the absolute accuracy of DateTime.Now. public class DateTimePrecise { /// Creates a new instance of DateTimePrecise. /// A large value of synchronizePeriodSeconds may cause arithmetic overthrow /// exceptions to be thrown. A small value may cause the time to be unstable. /// A good value is 10. /// synchronizePeriodSeconds = The number of seconds after which the /// DateTimePrecise will synchronize itself with the system clock. public DateTimePrecise(long synchronizePeriodSeconds) { Stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); this.Stopwatch.Start(); DateTime t = DateTime.UtcNow; _immutable = new DateTimePreciseSafeImmutable(t, t, Stopwatch.ElapsedTicks, Stopwatch.Frequency); _synchronizePeriodSeconds = synchronizePeriodSeconds; _synchronizePeriodStopwatchTicks = synchronizePeriodSeconds * Stopwatch.Frequency; _synchronizePeriodClockTicks = synchronizePeriodSeconds * _clockTickFrequency; } /// Returns the current date and time, just like DateTime.UtcNow. public DateTime UtcNow { get { long s = this.Stopwatch.ElapsedTicks; DateTimePreciseSafeImmutable immutable = _immutable; if (s < immutable._s_observed + _synchronizePeriodStopwatchTicks) { return immutable._t_base.AddTicks((( s - immutable._s_observed) * _clockTickFrequency) / ( immutable._stopWatchFrequency)); } else { DateTime t = DateTime.UtcNow; DateTime t_base_new = immutable._t_base.AddTicks((( s - immutable._s_observed) * _clockTickFrequency) / ( immutable._stopWatchFrequency)); _immutable = new DateTimePreciseSafeImmutable( t, t_base_new, s, ((s - immutable._s_observed) * _clockTickFrequency * 2) / (t.Ticks - immutable._t_observed.Ticks + t.Ticks + t.Ticks - t_base_new.Ticks - immutable._t_observed.Ticks) ); return t_base_new; } } } /// Returns the current date and time, just like DateTime.Now. public DateTime Now { get { return this.UtcNow.ToLocalTime(); } } /// The internal System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch used by this instance. public Stopwatch Stopwatch; private long _synchronizePeriodStopwatchTicks; private long _synchronizePeriodSeconds; private long _synchronizePeriodClockTicks; private const long _clockTickFrequency = 10000000; private DateTimePreciseSafeImmutable _immutable; } internal sealed class DateTimePreciseSafeImmutable { internal DateTimePreciseSafeImmutable(DateTime t_observed, DateTime t_base, long s_observed, long stopWatchFrequency) { _t_observed = t_observed; _t_base = t_base; _s_observed = s_observed; _stopWatchFrequency = stopWatchFrequency; } internal readonly DateTime _t_observed; internal readonly DateTime _t_base; internal readonly long _s_observed; internal readonly long _stopWatchFrequency; } 


如果安装的硬件和操作系统支持高分辨率性能计数器,则秒表类使用该计数器来测量已用时间。 否则,秒表类使用系统计时器来测量已用时间。

尝试本机DateTime.Ticks系统时间准确度高达一百纳秒; 1毫秒= 10000个滴答声。

 while (true) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", System.DateTime.Now.Ticks, System.DateTime.Now.ToString("ss:fff")); } PS > .\test.exe 634134152924322129 52:432 634134152924332129 52:433 634134152924342130 52:434 634134152924352130 52:435 634134152924362131 52:436 634134152924372131 52:437 634134152924382132 52:438 634134152924392133 52:439 634134152924402133 52:440 634134152924412134 52:441 634134152924422134 52:442 634134152924432135 52:443