
有时会创build太大而无法打开(5GB +)的日志(.txt)文件,我需要创build一个解决scheme,将其分割成更小的可读块,以便在写字板中使用。 这是在Windows Server 2008 R2中。

我需要的解决scheme是一个batch file,PowerShell,或类似的东西。 理想情况下,它应该是硬编码,每个文本文件包含不超过999 MB,并不停止在一行的中间。


############################################# # Split a log/text file into smaller chunks # ############################################# # WARNING: This will take a long while with extremely large files and uses lots of memory to stage the file # Set the baseline counters # Set the line counter to 0 $linecount = 0 # Set the file counter to 1. This is used for the naming of the log files $filenumber = 1 # Prompt user for the path $sourcefilename = Read-Host "What is the full path and name of the log file to split? (eg D:\mylogfiles\mylog.txt)" # Prompt user for the destination folder to create the chunk files $destinationfolderpath = Read-Host "What is the path where you want to extract the content? (eg d:\yourpath\)" Write-Host "Please wait while the line count is calculated. This may take a while. No really, it could take a long time." # Find the current line count to present to the user before asking the new line count for chunk files Get-Content $sourcefilename | Measure-Object | ForEach-Object { $sourcelinecount = $_.Count } #Tell the user how large the current file is Write-Host "Your current file size is $sourcelinecount lines long" # Prompt user for the size of the new chunk files $destinationfilesize = Read-Host "How many lines will be in each new split file?" # the new size is a string, so we convert to integer and up # Set the upper boundary (maximum line count to write to each file) $maxsize = [int]$destinationfilesize Write-Host File is $sourcefilename - destination is $destinationfolderpath - new file line count will be $destinationfilesize # The process reads each line of the source file, writes it to the target log file and increments the line counter. When it reaches 100000 (approximately 50 MB of text data) $content = get-content $sourcefilename | % { Add-Content $destinationfolderpath\splitlog$filenumber.txt "$_" $linecount ++ If ($linecount -eq $maxsize) { $filenumber++ $linecount = 0 } } # Clean up after your pet [gc]::collect() [gc]::WaitForPendingFinalizers () 


 Add-Content : The process cannot access the file 'C:\Desktop\splitlog1.txt' because it is being used by another process... 


好吧,我迎接挑战。 这是应该为你工作的功能。 它可以按行分割文本文件,在每个输出文件中输入尽可能多的完整行,不超过字节大小。


例如:输入文件包含两个非常长的字符串,每个1Mb。 如果您尝试将此文件拆分为512KB块,则生成的文件将分别为1MB。


 <# .Synopsis Split text file(s) by lines, put into each output file as many complete lines of input as possible without exceeding size bytes. .Description Split text file(s) by lines, put into each output file as many complete lines of input as possible without exceeding size bytes. Note, that output file size limit can't be strictly enforced. Example: input files contains two very long strings, 1Mb each. If you try to split this file into the 512KB chunks, resulting files will be 1MB each. Splitted files will have orinignal file's name, followed by the "_part_" string and counter. Example: Original file: large.log Splitted files: large_part_0.log, large_part_1.log, large_part_2.log, etc. .Parameter FileName Array of strings, mandatory. Filename(s) to split. .Parameter OutPath String, mandatory. Folder, where splittedfiles will be stored. Will be created, if not exists. .Parameter MaxFileSize Long, mandatory. Maximum output file size. When output file reaches this size, new file will be created. You can use PowerShell's multipliers: KB, MB, GB, TB,PB .Parameter Encoding String. If not specified, script will use system's current ANSI code page to read the files. You can get other valid encodings for your system in PowerShell console like this: [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncodings() Example: Unicode (UTF-7): utf-7 Unicode (UTF-8): utf-8 Western European (Windows): Windows-1252 .Example Split-FileByLine -FileName '.\large.log' -OutPath '.\splitted' -MaxFileSize 100MB -Verbose Split file "large.log" in current folder, write resulting files in subfolder "splitted", limit output file size to 100Mb, be verbose. .Example Split-FileByLine -FileName '.\large.log' -OutPath '.\splitted' -MaxFileSize 100MB -Encoding 'utf-8' Split file "large.log" in current folder, write resulting files in subfolder "splitted", limit output file size to 100Mb, use UTF-8 encoding. .Example Split-FileByLine -FileName '.\large_1.log', '.\large_2.log' -OutPath '.\splitted' -MaxFileSize 999MB Split files "large_1.log" ".\large_2.log" and in current folder, write resulting files in subfolder "splitted", limit output file size to 999MB. .Example '.\large_1.log', '.\large_2.log' | Split-FileByLine -FileName -OutPath '.\splitted' -MaxFileSize 999MB Split files "large_1.log" ".\large_2.log" and in current folder, write resulting files in subfolder "splitted", limit output file size to 999MB. #> function Split-FileByLine { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string[]]$FileName, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string]$OutPath = (Get-Location -PSProvider FileSystem).Path, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [long]$MaxFileSize, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string]$Encoding = 'Default' ) Begin { # Scriptblocks for common tasks $DisposeInFile = { Write-Verbose 'Disposing StreamReader' $InFile.Close() $InFile.Dispose() } $DisposeOutFile = { Write-Verbose 'Disposing StreamWriter' $OutFile.Flush() $OutFile.Close() $OutFile.Dispose() } $NewStreamWriter = { Write-Verbose 'Creating StreamWriter' $OutFileName = Join-Path -Path $OutPath -ChildPath ( '{0}_part_{1}{2}' -f [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($_), $Counter, [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($_) ) $OutFile = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.StreamWriter -ArgumentList ( $OutFileName, $false, $FileEncoding ) -ErrorAction Stop $OutFile.AutoFlush = $true Write-Verbose "Writing new file: $OutFileName" } } Process { if($Encoding -eq 'Default') { # Set default encoding $FileEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::Default } else { # Try to set user-specified encoding try { $FileEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding($Encoding) } catch { throw "Not valid encoding: $Encoding" } } Write-Verbose "Input file: $FileName" Write-Verbose "Output folder: $OutPath" if(!(Test-Path -Path $OutPath -PathType Container)){ Write-Verbose "Folder doesn't exist, creating: $OutPath" $null = New-Item -Path $OutPath -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction Stop } $FileName | ForEach-Object { # Open input file $InFile = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.StreamReader -ArgumentList ( $_, $FileEncoding ) -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose "Current file: $_" $Counter = 0 $OutFile = $null # Read lines from input file while(($line = $InFile.ReadLine()) -ne $null) { if($OutFile -eq $null) { # No output file, create StreamWriter . $NewStreamWriter } else { if($OutFile.BaseStream.Length -ge $MaxFileSize) { # Output file reached size limit, closing Write-Verbose "OutFile lenght: $($InFile.BaseStream.Length)" . $DisposeOutFile $Counter++ . $NewStreamWriter } } # Write line to the output file $OutFile.WriteLine($line) } Write-Verbose "Finished processing file: $_" # Close open files and cleanup objects . $DisposeOutFile . $DisposeInFile } } } 


 function Split-FileByLine { # function body here } $InputFile = 'c:\log\large.log' $OutputDir = 'c:\log_split' Split-FileByLine -FileName $InputFile -OutPath $OutputDir -MaxFileSize 999MB 

您可以使用-line --line-bytes参数从CoreUtils for Windows尝试拆分工具:


在每个输出文件中输入尽可能多的完整行,不超过字节大小。 单个行或长度大于字节的记录被分成多个文件。 大小与--bytes选项的格式相同。 如果指定了--separator ,则行确定记录的数量

例如: split --line-bytes=999MB c:\logs\biglog.txt