下面是一个接受2个或更多参数的batch file。 该
该batch file将执行以下操作
以下是batch file。
@echo off set BASE_DIR=%1 REM check if first argument is empty and display appropriate message set NEW_DIR=%BASE_DIR%X if %NEW_DIR%==X goto displayUsage REM check if first argument is not existing directory or display appropriate message if not exist %BASE_DIR% goto displayUsage cd /d C:\temp\ if exist "C:\temp\temp.zip" del /q /f "C:\temp\temp.zip" call :subr %* exit /b :subr rem check if any unwatned symbols are in arguments if exist "C:\temp\temp.txt" del /q /f "C:\temp\temp.txt" echo %* > "C:\temp\temp.txt" findstr /r ".*[<>/|?*%%].*" "C:\temp\temp.txt" >nul if %errorlevel% equ 0 goto displayUsage rem start parsing each argument for %%A in (%*) do ( if not %%A==%BASE_DIR% ( rem check if file exists and take action on it pushd %BASE_DIR% dir /b /s /ad *%%A* | find "File not found" set FILE_EXISTS=%errorlevel% rem HERE FILE_EXISTS STATUS IS ALWAYS 1 IRRESPECTIVE OF FILE PRESENCE popd if %FILE_EXISTS% equ 0 ( rem take action on the file like add it to a zip file "7za.exe" a -r -y "C:\temp\temp.zip" %BASE_DIR%\*%%A*.* ) else ( echo File %%A does not exists in %BASE_DIR% ) ) else ( echo No need to parse base directory %%A ) ) exit /b :displayUsage echo Usage: create-logs-zip.bat existing-base-directory log-file-name echo Do not use symbols: ^< ^> / ? ^| ^* goto end :end if exist "C:\temp\temp.zip" del /q /f "C:\temp\temp.zip" if exist "C:\temp\temp.txt" del /q /f "C:\temp\temp.txt" exit /b
请求:请不要给power shell或cmdlet或VB脚本作为select。
延迟扩展是必要的,变量之间应使用感叹号而不是百分比。 以下是按预期工作的摘录
for %%A in (%*) do ( if not %%A==%BASE_DIR% ( PushD "%BASE_DIR%" dir /b /s /ad *%%A* 2>null>&2 set FILE_EXISTS=!errorlevel! PopD if !FILE_EXISTS! equ 0 (%ZIPTOOL% a -r -y %TEMPZIP% %BASE_DIR%\*%%A*.*) else (echo File %%A is not found) ) else ( echo Skipping compressing of base-directory %%A ) )