在桌面下打开和closuresWindows 8触摸键盘tabtip

我需要从Windows 8(桌面winform.net)下的程序closurestabtip键盘。 我发现在需要的时候打开它,运行TabTip.exe来显示Windows 8的触摸键盘,但是当我需要时我无法closures它! 我试图用process.kill杀死这个进程,但是它不工作,有人有一个想法如何做到这一点?




Private oskProcess As Process Private Sub openButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles openButton.Click If Me.oskProcess Is Nothing OrElse Me.oskProcess.HasExited Then If Me.oskProcess IsNot Nothing AndAlso Me.oskProcess.HasExited Then Me.oskProcess.Close() End If Me.oskProcess = Process.Start("osk") End If End Sub Private Sub closeButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles closeButton.Click If Me.oskProcess IsNot Nothing Then If Not Me.oskProcess.HasExited Then 'CloseMainWindow would generally be preferred but the OSK doesn't respond. Me.oskProcess.Kill() End If Me.oskProcess.Close() Me.oskProcess = Nothing End If End Sub 


Tabtip.exe打开,然后再次关闭之前产生两个进程。 所以process.kill命令不起作用,因为原始进程已经关闭了。


 For Each pkiller As Process In Process.GetProcesses If String.Compare(pkiller.ProcessName, "tabtip", True) = 0 Then pkiller.Kill() End If Next 

我发现了一个无证的COM接口来控制屏幕上的键盘。 检查我的其他答案的详细信息https://stackoverflow.com/a/40921638/332528