

MyProject-0.9.zip MyProject-1.0.zip MyProject-1.3.tar.gz MyProject-2.0.tar.gz 


 MyProject-0.9.zip - MyProject-0.9/ - MyProject-0.9/src/ - MyProject-0.9/src/mySrc.c - MyProject-0.9/Makefile - MyProject-0.9/LICENSE 



  • 使用发布档案修改日期作为提交的作者日期
  • 为每个提交添加一个release / version git标签
  • 支持不同的存档格式
  • 允许在提交之前轻松清理存档内容


 #!/bin/bash # author: hoijui <hoijui.quaero@gmail.com> # copyright: Copyright (c) 2017 hoijui # license GNU General Public License version 3 # description: Creates a git repository from a list of release archives. # example: Before using the script, we should have this directory structure: # * conv_dir/createGitRepoFromReleaseArchives # this script # * conv_dir/MyProject-1.0.0.zip # 1. release archive # * conv_dir/MyProject-1.0.1.zip # 2. release archive # * conv_dir/MyProject-2.0.0.tar.gz # 3. release archive # * conv_dir/MyProject-2.1.0.tar.gz # 4. release archive # while each of the archives should contain a dir with the same name # as the archive (without the file extension), for example: # MyProject-1.0.0.zip: # * MyProject-1.0.0/LICENSE # * MyProject-1.0.0/Makefile # * MyProject-1.0.0/src/mySrc.c # We then simply run the script: # > createGitRepoFromReleaseArchives # after which we should end up with a dir "repo" containing the git repository. ORIG_DIR=`pwd` ARCHIVE_SUFFIX_REGEX="\.\(tar\|tar\.gz\|tgz\|zip\|tar\.bz2\|tbz2\)" ZIP_SUFFIX_REGEX=".*\.zip$" ARCHIVES="${1:-}" REPO_DIR="${2:-repo}" EXTRACT_DIR="/tmp/$(basename ${0})_extract_${RANDOM}" if [ -z "${ARCHIVES}" ] then # if ARCHIVES is not set # gather common archive files from the current directory ARCHIVES="$(find . -regex ".*${ARCHIVE_SUFFIX_REGEX}" | sort --version-sort)" fi # Possibly remove files fond in the release archives # that we do not want in the git repo. # This gets called for each archive, # with PWD set to the extracted archives main dir. function cleanRepoDir() { echo "cleaning repo dir ..." #rm version.txt # ... more commands } PROJECT_NAME="$(basename "${ARCHIVES%% *}" | sed -e 's/-.*//')" mkdir "${EXTRACT_DIR}" echo "" echo "project name: '${PROJECT_NAME}'" echo "extract dir: '${EXTRACT_DIR}'" echo "repo dir: '${REPO_DIR}'" echo -e "version archives:\n${ARCHIVES}" echo "" read -p "Do you want to continue creating a git repo with the above info! [Y/n]" -n 1 -r echo if [[ ${REPLY} =~ ^[Nn]$ ]] then # handle exits from shell(-script) or function # but do not exit interactive shell [[ "$0" = "${BASH_SOURCE}" ]] && exit 1 || return 1 fi # setup the resulting repo if [ -e "${REPO_DIR}" ] then >&2 echo "Error: Repo already exists!" exit 1 fi mkdir "${REPO_DIR}" cd "${REPO_DIR}" git init #git config --local user.name "My Name" #git config --local user.email mail@mail.com cd .. for archive in ${ARCHIVES} do echo # get the absolute path to the current archive archive="$(realpath "${archive}")" # remove extracted contents of the last archive cd "${EXTRACT_DIR}" rm -Rf ./* # extract contents of the current archive if [[ "${archive}" =~ ${ZIP_SUFFIX_REGEX} ]] then echo "Extracting (unzip): '${archive}'" unzip -q "${archive}" else echo "Extracting (tar): '${archive}'" tar -xf "${archive}" fi # and create the absolute path to the contained directory # (which should be "${PROJECT_NAME}-${version}") version_dir="${EXTRACT_DIR}/$(basename "${archive}" | sed -e "s/${ARCHIVE_SUFFIX_REGEX}$//")" #version_dir="${EXTRACT_DIR}/$(basename "${archive}" | sed -r -e 's/\.zip$//')" #version_dir="${EXTRACT_DIR}/$(basename "${archive}" | sed -r -e 's/\.(zip|zap)$//')" # remove directory and project name from extracted archive path # to get the bare version string version="$(basename "${version_dir}" | sed -e 's/^[^-]*-//')" # remove all content from the previous commit from git # for the next comit cd "${ORIG_DIR}" cd "${REPO_DIR}" git rm -rfq . 2> /dev/null # also remove empty directories rm -Rf ./* # move current versions content to the git repo mv "${version_dir}"/* ./ cleanRepoDir # and add all of it for the next commit git add . # extract last modification date of the release archive file, # which is to be used as commit date date="$(date -r "${archive}" +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')" # commit the current archives content git commit -m "${PROJECT_NAME} release version ${version}" --date "${date}" --quiet # and tag it as a release git tag -m "${PROJECT_NAME} release version ${version}" "v${version}" cd .. done # Compress the git history cd "${REPO_DIR}" git gc --aggressive echo "Git history size: $(du -s --si .git)" cd "${ORIG_DIR}"