我正在玩Linux内核代码,特别是文件系统的一部分。 我发现当内核引导时,一些dentry对象被分配给根目录“/”。 为什么需要在RAM中分配多个根目录的副本? 而且,由于看起来dcache(dentrycaching本质上是一个大的散列表)正在使用散列函数H(parent_dentry_address,name_hash)来计算一个dentry抵制的桶。这是否意味着每个根dentry“/”不同的dentry映射到dcache中的散列桶?
从内核源文件中阅读Documentation / initrd.txt,看看bootstrapping上发生了什么:
When using initrd, the system typically boots as follows: 1) the boot loader loads the kernel and the initial RAM disk 2) the kernel converts initrd into a "normal" RAM disk and frees the memory used by initrd 3) if the root device is not /dev/ram0, the old (deprecated) change_root procedure is followed. see the "Obsolete root change mechanism" section below. 4) root device is mounted. if it is /dev/ram0, the initrd image is then mounted as root 5) /sbin/init is executed (this can be any valid executable, including shell scripts; it is run with uid 0 and can do basically everything init can do). 6) init mounts the "real" root file system 7) init places the root file system at the root directory using the pivot_root system call 8) init execs the /sbin/init on the new root filesystem, performing the usual boot sequence 9) the initrd file system is removed Note that changing the root directory does not involve unmounting it. It is therefore possible to leave processes running on initrd during that procedure. Also note that file systems mounted under initrd continue to be accessible.
当文件系统注册和挂载时,它将首先为mount root分配一个dentry作为这个文件系统的入口,通常这个dentry使用'/'name.RAM fs,像proc / devtmpfs …挂载内核,所以会有成为几个同名的“/”。