MSMQ – C ++还是COM?

我需要开始编写一些MSMQ代码,这些代码将与其他机器上的WCF代码进行交互。 具有MSMQ经验的人是否使用直接C ++与使用COM对MSMQ的利弊提出build议?

其实你不必决定。 你可以合并。

这是完整的send / recv实现的代码示例。



#pragma once #include <tchar.h> // ========================================================================== // MSMQWrapper - wrappes the COM object used to send and receive messages through the MSMQ class CMSMQWrapper { HANDLE m_hQ; public: CMSMQWrapper() { m_hQ= INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; ::CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); } ~CMSMQWrapper() { ::CoUninitialize(); } bool InitLocalQueue (const WCHAR* wczQueueName ); // [i] .\private$\queue_name bool InitDestQueue (const WCHAR* wczDestQueueName ); // [i] comp_name\private$\queue_name bool ReadQueue (const WCHAR* wczQueueName , // [i] BYTE* pBuf , // [i] size_t nBufLen , // [i] int& nBytesRead ); // [o] bool SendToDestQueue(const BYTE* pBuf , size_t nBufLen ); }; 


 #include "stdafx.h" #include "msmqwrap.h" #include <windows.h> #include <AtlBase.h> #import "mqoa.dll" named_guids // no_namespace #pragma comment (lib, "Mqrt.lib") #include "mq.h" using namespace MSMQ; // ========================================================================== // CMSMQWrapper // ========================================================================== bool CMSMQWrapper::InitLocalQueue(const WCHAR* wczQueueName) { CComQIPtr<IMSMQQueueInfo, &IID_IMSMQQueueInfo> ipQueueInfo; HRESULT hr= ::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MSMQQueueInfo , NULL , CLSCTX_SERVER , IID_IMSMQQueueInfo , (void**)(&ipQueueInfo.p) ); if (S_OK != hr) return false; hr= ipQueueInfo->put_PathName(_bstr_t(wczQueueName)); if (S_OK != hr) return false; hr= ipQueueInfo->put_Label(_bstr_t(wczQueueName)); if (S_OK != hr) return false; VARIANT vtFalse; VariantInit(&vtFalse); vtFalse.vt = VT_BOOL; vtFalse.boolVal= FALSE ; try { hr= ipQueueInfo->Create(&vtFalse, &vtFalse); } catch (_com_error& er) { if (MQ_ERROR_QUEUE_EXISTS == er.Error()) // queue already exists hr= S_OK; else { // report error - Failed receiving, (WCHAR*)er.Description() return false; } } return true; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CMSMQWrapper::ReadQueue(const WCHAR* wczQueueName, // [i] BYTE* pBuf , // [i] size_t nBufLen , // [i] int& nBytesRead ) // [o] { // set value of ReceiveTimout parameter _variant_t vtReceiveTimeout; vtReceiveTimeout= (long)INFINITE; try { IMSMQQueueInfoPtr qinfo("MSMQ.MSMQQueueInfo"); qinfo->PathName= wczQueueName; IMSMQQueuePtr qRec; qRec= qinfo->Open(MQ_RECEIVE_ACCESS, MQ_DENY_NONE); // open queue to retrieve message // retrieve messages from queue IMSMQMessagePtr msgRec("MSMQ.MSMQMessage"); msgRec= qRec->Receive(&vtMissing, &vtMissing, &vtMissing, &vtReceiveTimeout); if (NULL == msgRec) { nBytesRead= 0; // there are no messages in the queue return true; } nBytesRead = msgRec->BodyLength; _variant_t recVariant= msgRec->Body ; // close queue qRec->Close(); SAFEARRAY* psa= recVariant.parray; nBytesRead = __min(psa->rgsabound->cElements, nBufLen); for (LONG ind= 0; ind< nBytesRead; ind++) SafeArrayGetElement(psa, &ind, &pBuf[ind]); return true; } catch (_com_error comerr) { // report error - failed receiving, (WCHAR*)comerr.Description()); return false; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CMSMQWrapper::InitDestQueue(const WCHAR* wczDestQueueName) // comp_name\private$\queue_name { // validate the input strings if (NULL == wczDestQueueName) return false; // create a direct format name for the queue WCHAR wczFormatName[1000]; str_cat(wczFormatName, 1000, L"DIRECT=OS:", wczDestQueueName); HRESULT hr; hr = ::MQOpenQueue(wczFormatName, MQ_SEND_ACCESS, MQ_DENY_NONE, &m_hQ); if (MQ_OK != hr) //MQ_ERROR_QUEUE_NOT_FOUND return false; return true; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CMSMQWrapper::SendToDestQueue(const BYTE* pBuf, size_t nBufLen) { MQMSGPROPS MsgProps ; const UINT _nProps= 1 ; MSGPROPID aPropId [_nProps]; PROPVARIANT aVariant[_nProps]; aPropId [0] = PROPID_M_BODY ; // msg to send aVariant[0].vt = VT_VECTOR|VT_UI1; aVariant[0].caub.pElems= (BYTE*)pBuf ; aVariant[0].caub.cElems= nBufLen ; MsgProps.cProp = _nProps ; // number of props to set MsgProps.aPropID = aPropId ; MsgProps.aPropVar = aVariant ; MsgProps.aStatus = 0 ; if (MQ_OK != ::MQSendMessage(m_hQ, &MsgProps, MQ_NO_TRANSACTION)) return false; return true; }