
我试图为我的数据绘制趋势线。 有没有定义一个自定义函数? 我见过的最近的是在这里你好Windows窗体的例子: http : //www.oxyplot.org/doc/HelloWindowsForms.html


namespace WindowsFormsApplication1 { using System; using System.Windows.Forms; using OxyPlot; using OxyPlot.Series; public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { this.InitializeComponent(); var myModel = new PlotModel("Example 1"); myModel.Series.Add(new FunctionSeries(Math.Cos, 0, 10, 0.1, "cos(x)")); this.plot1.Model = myModel; } } } 

在这个例子中,他们使用余弦。 如果我需要定义一个自定义的多variables方程呢?



 new FunctionSeries( x => a*x*x*x + b*x*x + c*x + d, .... ) 

Src: https : //oxyplot.codeplex.com/discussions/439064


以下是示例图片: 从下面的函数的图像 这是代码:

  //your function based on x,y public double getValue(int x, int y) { return (10 * x * x + 11 * x*y*y + 12*x*y ); } //setting the values to the function public FunctionSeries GetFunction() { int n = 100; FunctionSeries serie = new FunctionSeries(); for (int x = 0; x < n; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < n; y++) { //adding the points based x,y DataPoint data = new DataPoint(x, getValue(x,y)); //adding the point to the serie serie.Points.Add(data); } } //returning the serie return serie; } //setting all the parameters of the model public void graph() { model = new PlotModel { Title = "example" }; model.LegendPosition = LegendPosition.RightBottom; model.LegendPlacement = LegendPlacement.Outside; model.LegendOrientation = LegendOrientation.Horizontal; model.Series.Add(GetFunction()); var Yaxis = new OxyPlot.Axes.LinearAxis(); OxyPlot.Axes.LinearAxis XAxis = new OxyPlot.Axes.LinearAxis { Position = OxyPlot.Axes.AxisPosition.Bottom, Minimum = 0, Maximum = 100 }; XAxis.Title = "X"; Yaxis.Title = "10 * x * x + 11 * x*y*y + 12*x*y"; model.Axes.Add(Yaxis); model.Axes.Add(XAxis); this.plot.Model = model; } //on click on the button 3 then show the graph private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { graph(); }