我正在编写一个I / O密集型程序在Python中,我需要分配一个特定数量的硬盘上的存储空间。 由于我需要尽可能快,我不想在循环中创build零(或虚拟)内容的文件。 python是否有任何库或方法可以这样做,还是我必须在python中使用Linux命令?
其实,我正在实施一个像BitTorrent一样的应用程序。 在我的代码中,接收者将源文件的每个段存储在一个单独的文件中(源文件的每个段来自随机发送者)。 最后,所有单独的文件将被合并。 这需要很多时间。
def handler(self): BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 # Normally 1024, but we want fast response # self.request is the TCP socket connected to the client data = self.request.recv(BUFFER_SIZE) addr = ..... #Some address details = str(data).split() currentFileNum = int(details[0]) #Specifies the segment number of the received file. totalFileNumber = int(details[1].rstrip('\0')) # Specifies the total number of the segments that should be received. print '\tReceive: Connection address:', addr,'Current segment Number: ', currentFileNum, 'Total Number of file segments: ', totalFileNumber f = open(ServerThreadHandler.fileOutputPrefix + '_Received.%s' % currentFileNum, 'wb') data = self.request.recv(BUFFER_SIZE) while (data and data != 'EOF'): f.write(data) data = self.request.recv(BUFFER_SIZE) f.close() print "Done Receiving." ," File Number: ", currentFileNum self.request.sendall('\tThank you for data. File Number: ' + str(currentFileNum)) ServerThreadHandler.counterLock.acquire() ServerThreadHandler.receivedFileCounter += 1 if ServerThreadHandler.receivedFileCounter == totalFileNumber: infiles = [] for i in range(0, totalFileNumber): infiles.append(ServerThreadHandler.fileOutputPrefix + '_Received.%s' % i) File_manipulation.cat_files(infiles, ServerThreadHandler.fileOutputPrefix + ServerThreadHandler.fileOutputSuffix, BUFFER_SIZE) # It concatenates the files based on their segment numbers. ServerThreadHandler.counterLock.release()
请参阅如何使用文件洞创建文件? 了解如何创建这样的文件。