
我有一堆需要清理的文本文件。 我使用UNIX bash,所以AWK或grep是好的。


1766 1789 1764 1790 1762 1849 0 1357 1817 1366 1857 0 360 42 352 95 0 293 142 302 181 delete-this 0 302 181 0 



 1766 1789 1762 1849 1357 1817 1366 1857 360 42 352 95 293 142 302 181 


更多信息:行1列2和行2列2的总和应该> 1,否则,行2必须被删除。


 awk '/[0-9]+ [0-9]+/ {a[++t]=$0;b[t]=$2;next} {if (t>=2) for (i=1;i<=t;i++) {if (b[i]-c!=1) print a[i];c=b[i]};t=0}' 1766 1789 1762 1849 1357 1817 1366 1857 360 42 352 95 293 142 302 181 


 awk ' /[0-9]+ [0-9]+/ { # if line does have 2 column of number, then a[++t]=$0 # add line to array "a" and increment variable "t" b[t]=$2 # add column 2 to array "b" next # go to next line } { if (t>=2) # is there more two or more lines with numbers connrected, then for (i=1;i<=t;i++) { # loop trough array "a" with all numbers if (b[i]-c!=1) # test if the difference between this number in column 2 is more than 1 compare to previous line print a[i] # then print array "a" c=b[i] # store array "b" information in variable "b" } ;t=0 # clear counter "t" }' file