我从以下网站采取了以下VB脚本: http : //www.itninja.com/question/how-do-i-stop-start-service-in-vbscript
我不明白为什么服务不会停止,或者还有其他问题? 在VB脚本?
'// Name: ControlServiceWMI '// Purpose: Controls services using WMI '// Input: strComputer - String - the computer on which we want to control the service. Null means local machine '// strService - String - the name of the service. If blank, the function will use strDisplayName '// strDisplayName - String - the display name of the service. If blank, the function will use strService '// strOperation - String - the operation for the service: START, STOP, PAUSE or CONTINUE '// intWaitTime - Integer - nbr of times to loop (effectively, the nbr of seconds to wait '// for 'strOperation' to complete '// Output: strError - String - contains error text, if operation fails '// Returns: True/False '// ========================================================================================================= Dim strComputer Dim strService Dim strDisplayName Dim strOperation Dim intWaitTime Dim strError strComputer = pc strService = Alerter strDisplayName = Alerter strOperation = "STOP" intWaitTime = 3 '// Define WMI *state* constants these are for the 'State' property Const WMI_SERVICE_STOPPED = "Stopped" Const WMI_SERVICE_STARTED = "Running" Const WMI_SERVICE_START_PENDING = "Start Pending" Const WMI_SERVICE_STOP_PENDING = "Stop Pending" Const WMI_SERVICE_RUNNING = "Running" Const WMI_SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING = "Continue Pending" Const WMI_SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING = "Pause Pending" Const WMI_SERVICE_PAUSED = "Paused" Const WMI_SERVICE_ERROR = "Unknown" '// Define WMI *status* constants these are for the 'Status' property Const WMI_SERVICE_OK = "OK" Const WMI_SERVICE_DEGRADED = "Degraded" Const WMI_SERVICE_UNKNOWN = "Unknown" Const WMI_SERVICE_PRED_FAIL = "Pred Fail" Const WMI_SERVICE_STARTING = "Starting" Const WMI_SERVICE_STOPPING = "Stopping" Const WMI_SERVICE_SERVICE = "Service" '// ? '// Define string constants for service methods Const START_SERVICE = "START" Const STOP_SERVICE = "STOP" Const PAUSE_SERVICE = "PAUSE" Const CONTINUE_SERVICE = "CONTINUE" Const SET_AUTOMATIC = "AUTOMATIC" Const SET_MANUAL = "MANUAL" Const SET_DISABLED = "DISABLED" '// Win32_Service Method Return Value Table Const WMI_Success = 0 Const WMI_NotSupported = 1 Const WMI_AccessDenied = 2 Const WMI_DependentServicesRunning = 3 Const WMI_InvalidServiceControl = 4 Const WMI_ServiceCannotAcceptControl = 5 Const WMI_ServiceNotActive = 6 Const WMI_ServiceRequestTimeout = 7 Const WMI_UnknownFailure = 8 Const WMI_PathNotFound = 9 Const WMI_ServiceAlreadyRunning = 10 Const WMI_ServiceDatabaseLocked = 11 Const WMI_ServiceDependencyDeleted = 12 Const WMI_ServiceDependencyFailure = 13 Const WMI_ServiceDisabled = 14 Const WMI_ServiceLogonFailure = 15 Const WMI_ServiceMarkedForDeletion = 16 Const WMI_ServiceNoThread = 17 Const WMI_StatusCircularDependency = 18 Const WMI_StatusDuplicateName = 19 Const WMI_StatusInvalidName = 20 Const WMI_StatusInvalidParameter = 21 Const WMI_StatusInvalidServiceAccount = 22 Const WMI_StatusServiceExists = 23 Const WMI_ServiceAlreadyPaused = 24 '// Build an array of the possible return values Dim strWMI_ReturnErrors Dim arrWMI_ReturnErrors strWMI_ReturnErrors = "" strWMI_ReturnErrors = strWMI_ReturnErrors & "Success," strWMI_ReturnErrors = strWMI_ReturnErrors & "Not Supported," strWMI_ReturnErrors = strWMI_ReturnErrors & "Access Denied," strWMI_ReturnErrors = strWMI_ReturnErrors & "Dependent Services Running," strWMI_ReturnErrors = strWMI_ReturnErrors & "Invalid Service Control," strWMI_ReturnErrors = strWMI_ReturnErrors & "Service Cannot Accept Control," strWMI_ReturnErrors = strWMI_ReturnErrors & "Service Not Active," strWMI_ReturnErrors = strWMI_ReturnErrors & "Service Request Timeout," strWMI_ReturnErrors = strWMI_ReturnErrors & "Unknown Failure," strWMI_ReturnErrors = strWMI_ReturnErrors & "Path Not Found," strWMI_ReturnErrors = strWMI_ReturnErrors & "Service Already Running," strWMI_ReturnErrors = strWMI_ReturnErrors & "Service Database Locked," strWMI_ReturnErrors = strWMI_ReturnErrors & "Service Dependency Deleted," strWMI_ReturnErrors = strWMI_ReturnErrors & "Service Dependency Failure," strWMI_ReturnErrors = strWMI_ReturnErrors & "Service Disabled," strWMI_ReturnErrors = strWMI_ReturnErrors & "Service Logon Failure," strWMI_ReturnErrors = strWMI_ReturnErrors & "Service Marked For Deletion," strWMI_ReturnErrors = strWMI_ReturnErrors & "Service No Thread," strWMI_ReturnErrors = strWMI_ReturnErrors & "Status Circular Dependency," strWMI_ReturnErrors = strWMI_ReturnErrors & "Status Duplicate Name," strWMI_ReturnErrors = strWMI_ReturnErrors & "Status Invalid Name," strWMI_ReturnErrors = strWMI_ReturnErrors & "Status Invalid Parameter," strWMI_ReturnErrors = strWMI_ReturnErrors & "Status Invalid Service Account," strWMI_ReturnErrors = strWMI_ReturnErrors & "Status Service Exists," strWMI_ReturnErrors = strWMI_ReturnErrors & "Service Already Paused" '// Just in case you left the trailing comma in place... If Left(strWMI_ReturnErrors, 1) = "," Then strWMI_ReturnErrors = Left(strWMI_ReturnErrors, Len(strWMI_ReturnErrors) - 1) End If arrWMI_ReturnErrors = Split(strWMI_ReturnErrors, ",") Dim strQuery Dim objComputer Dim objServiceList Dim objService Dim intCounter Dim blnServiceReturn ControlServiceWMI = False If Len(strService) = 0 And Len(strDisplayName) = 0 Then strMsgText = "" strMsgText = strMsgText & "Neither the service name or service display name were specified." End If On Error Resume Next '// Get WMI objects and initial variables 'Set objComputer = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set objComputer = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") If Err.Number = 0 Then '// Only interested in controllable services (ie not system services, drivers, etc) '// (well, we would be if ANY service set its 'AcceptStop' flag...) strQuery = "" strQuery = strQuery & "Select * From Win32_Service" strQuery = strQuery & " Where " If Len(strService) > 0 Then strQuery = strQuery & "Name = '" & strService & "'" If Len(strDisplayName) > 0 Then strQuery = strQuery & " And " strQuery = strQuery & "DisplayName = '" & strDisplayName & "'" End If Else strQuery = strQuery & "DisplayName = '" & strDisplayName & "'" End If 'strQuery = strQuery & " And " 'strQuery = strQuery & "AcceptStop = True" Set objServiceList = objComputer.ExecQuery (strQuery) If Err.Number = 0 Then If objServiceList.Count > 0 Then For Each objService in objServiceList '// Determine the operation and carry it out With objService Select Case (strOperation) Case SET_AUTOMATIC If (.StartMode <> SET_AUTOMATIC) Then Err.Number = .ChangeStartMode("Automatic") If Err.Number <> 0 Then Do If .State = WMI_SERVICE_STARTED Then Exit Do End If Call Sleep(1) intCounter = intCounter + 1 Loop Until intCounter = intWaitTime '// We're only going to wait intWaitTime seconds End If End If Case SET_MANUAL If (.StartMode <> SET_MANUAL) Then Err.Number = .ChangeStartMode("Manual") If Err.Number <> 0 Then Do If .State = WMI_SERVICE_STARTED Then Exit Do End If Call Sleep(1) intCounter = intCounter + 1 Loop Until intCounter = intWaitTime '// We're only going to wait intWaitTime seconds End If End If Case SET_DISABLED If (.StartMode <> SET_DISABLED) Then Err.Number = .ChangeStartMode("Disabled") If Err.Number <> 0 Then Do If .State = WMI_SERVICE_STARTED Then Exit Do End If Call Sleep(1) intCounter = intCounter + 1 Loop Until intCounter = intWaitTime '// We're only going to wait intWaitTime seconds End If End If Case START_SERVICE If (.State = WMI_SERVICE_STOPPED) Then Err.Number = .StartService() If Err.Number <> 0 Then Do If .State = WMI_SERVICE_STARTED Then Exit Do End If Call Sleep(1) intCounter = intCounter + 1 Loop Until intCounter = intWaitTime '// We're only going to wait intWaitTime seconds End If End If Case STOP_SERVICE If (.State = WMI_SERVICE_RUNNING) Or (.State = WMI_SERVICE_PAUSED) Then Err.Number = .StopService() If Err.Number <> 0 Then Do If .State = WMI_SERVICE_STOPPED Then Exit Do End If Call Sleep(1) intCounter = intCounter + 1 Loop Until intCounter = intWaitTime '// We're only going to wait intWaitTime seconds End If End If Case PAUSE_SERVICE If (.State = WMI_SERVICE_RUNNING) Then Err.Number = .PauseService() If Err.Number <> 0 Then Do If .State = WMI_SERVICE_PAUSED Then Exit Do End If Call Sleep(1) intCounter = intCounter + 1 Loop Until intCounter = intWaitTime '// We're only going to wait intWaitTime seconds End If End If Case CONTINUE_SERVICE If (.State = WMI_SERVICE_PAUSED) Then Err.Number = .ContinueService() If Err.Number <> 0 Then Do If .State = WMI_SERVICE_RUNNING Then Exit Do End If Call Sleep(1) intCounter = intCounter + 1 Loop Until intCounter = intWaitTime '// We're only going to wait intWaitTime seconds End If End If End Select End With Next Else With Err .Description = "The service name specified " .Raise 999 If Len(strService) > 0 Then If Len(strDisplayName) > 0 Then .Description = .Description & "'" & strDisplayName & "'" End If Else .Description = .Description & "=" & strService & "=" End If .Description = .Description & " does not exist." .Source = "ControlServiceWMI" End With End If End If End If If Err.Number = 0 Then ControlServiceWMI = True Else '// Loop through the error array and, when you hit what Err.Number is, '// drop out and set the appropriate error text For intCounter = 0 To UBound(arrWMI_ReturnErrors) If Err.Number = intCounter Then Err.Description = arrWMI_ReturnErrors(intCounter) End If Next strMsgText = "" strMsgText = strMsgText & "Error " & Err.Number & " occured." If Len(Err.Description) > 0 Then strMsgText = strMsgText & Err.Description End If strError = strMsgText End If On Error Goto 0 Sub Sleep(ByVal intDelayInSecs) '// Sleep is here because, of course, one can't use WScript.Sleep in embedded VBS CAs Dim datStart Dim blnTimesUp datStart = Now() blnTimesUp = False While Not blnTimesUp If DateDiff("s", datStart, Now()) >= CInt(intDelayInSecs) Then blnTimesUp = True End If Wend End Sub
抛弃代码并重新开始。 认真。 如果你所要做的只是开始/停止服务,那么比起从头开始编写代码更麻烦。
service = "Alerter" 'action = "start" action = "stop" Set wmi = GetObject("winmgmts://./root/cimv2") qry = "SELECT * FROM Win32_Service WHERE Name='" & service & "'" For Each s In wmi.ExecQuery(qry) Select Case action Case "start": If s.State = "Stopped" Then s.StartService Case "stop" : If s.State = "Running" Then s.StopService Case Else : WScript.Echo "Invalid action: " & action End Select Next
如果你想重新启动一个服务,你需要等到每个操作完成,因为它们是异步运行的(例如,当操作在后台继续时,调用立即返回)。 例:
s.StopService Do Until wmi.ExecQuery(qry & " AND State='Stopped'").Count > 0 WScript.Sleep 100 Loop