文件时,感叹号被删除 。
.foo { color: pink !important; }
.foo { color: pink important; }
我研究了这个问题的根源,并基于: 在batch file中不断移除感叹号
set themes=Platinum,Granite,Sun,Sky,Burgundy,Leaf,Twilight,Sharepoint 2010,Sharepoint 2013 rem Directory that contains theme css files set RUNTIME_DEST=%K2DIR%\K2 SmartForms Runtime\Styles\Themes REM Do something with each substring call :parse "%themes%" goto :eof :parse setlocal for %%a in ("%themes:,=" "%") do ( call :getLineNumber %%a ) endlocal goto :eof :getLineNumber setlocal echo file name is %~1 set filename=%~1 rem Get start and end line numbers of the unwanted section for /F "delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /N /C:"PickerCollectionThemeStart" "%RUNTIME_DEST%\%filename%.css"') do ( set start=%%a ) for /F "delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /N /C:"PickerCollectionThemeEnd" "%RUNTIME_DEST%\%filename%.css"') do ( set end=%%a ) if not defined start ( echo start not defined... set start=0 set end=0 ) echo start val = !start! echo end val = !end! call :resetTheme "%filename%" "%start%" "%end%" endlocal goto :eof :resetTheme setlocal set filename=%~1 set start=%~2 set end=%~3 echo %fileName% echo %start% echo %end% echo --------------- rem Create a copy file to modify xcopy "%RUNTIME_DEST%\%filename%.css" "%cd%\Batch_tmp" /y /z /r echo creating tmp copy... rem Rename the file so we can modify and create finalized version ren "Batch_tmp\%fileName%.css" "%fileName%_tmp.css" echo coping all line except section... rem Copy all lines, except the ones in start-end section (for /F "tokens=1* delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /N "^" "Batch_tmp\%fileName%_tmp.css"') do ( if %%a lss %start% echo(%%b if %%a gtr %end% echo(%%b )) > Batch_tmp\!fileName!.css echo copying to blackpearl dir rem Finally move the css over to blackpearl directory setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion xcopy "Batch_tmp\%fileName%.css" "%RUNTIME_DEST%" /y /z /r endlocal endlocal goto :eof :eof pause
以下是我的解决scheme,基于build议。 不同的是,按照说明,在脚本开始处设置EnableDelayedExpansion,以便对整个批处理作用域产生影响,然后仅在适用的情况下将DisableDelayedExpansion设置为DisableDelayedExpansion。
set themes=Platinum,Granite,Sun,Sky,Burgundy,Leaf,Twilight,Sharepoint 2010,Sharepoint 2013 rem Directory that contains theme css files set RUNTIME_DEST=%K2DIR%\K2 SmartForms Runtime\Styles\Themes REM Do something with each substring call :parse "%themes%" goto :eof :parse setlocal for %%a in ("%themes:,=" "%") do ( echo ------------------------ call :getLineNumber %%a ) endlocal goto :eof :getLineNumber setlocal echo file name is %~1 set filename=%~1 rem Get start and end line numbers of the unwanted section for /F "delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /N /C:"PickerCollectionThemeStart" "%RUNTIME_DEST%\%filename%.css"') do ( set start=%%a ) for /F "delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /N /C:"PickerCollectionThemeEnd" "%RUNTIME_DEST%\%filename%.css"') do ( set end=%%a ) if not defined start ( echo start not defined... set start=0 set end=0 ) echo start val = !start! echo end val = !end! call :resetTheme "%filename%" "%start%" "%end%" endlocal goto :eof :resetTheme setlocal set filename=%~1 set start=%~2 set end=%~3 echo %fileName% echo %start% echo %end% rem Create a copy file to modify xcopy "%RUNTIME_DEST%\%filename%.css" "%cd%\Batch_tmp" /y /z /r echo creating tmp copy... rem Rename the file so we can modify and create finalized version ren "Batch_tmp\%fileName%.css" "%fileName%_tmp.css" echo coping all line except section... rem Copy all lines, except the ones in start-end section (for /F "tokens=1* delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /N "^" "Batch_tmp\%fileName%_tmp.css"') do ( setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion if %%a lss %start% echo(%%b if %%a gtr %end% echo(%%b endlocal )) > Batch_tmp\!fileName!.css echo copying to blackpearl dir rem Finally move the css over to blackpearl directory xcopy "Batch_tmp\%fileName%.css" "%RUNTIME_DEST%" /y /z /r endlocal goto :eof :eof
(for /F "tokens=1* delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /N "^" "Batch_tmp\%fileName%_tmp.css"') do ( SETLOCAL DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION if %%a lss %start% echo(%%b if %%a gtr %end% echo(%%b ENDLOCAL )) > Batch_tmp\!fileName!.css
令人失望的结果由OP 🙁
@ECHO OFF SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION :: force directories, start and end SET runtime_dest=c:\temp SET filename=test SET start=2 SET end=4 :: create batch_temp & clear MD "%cd%\Batch_tmp" 2>NUL >NUL DEL "%cd%\Batch_tmp\*?*" /F /Q :: make copy of original .css xcopy "%RUNTIME_DEST%\%filename%.css" "%cd%\Batch_tmp" /y /z /r echo creating tmp copy... rem Rename the file so we can modify and create finalized version ren "Batch_tmp\%fileName%.css" "%fileName%_tmp.css" echo coping all line except section... rem Copy all lines, except the ones in start-end section (for /F "tokens=1* delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /N "^" "Batch_tmp\%fileName%_tmp.css"') do ( if %%a lss %start% echo(%%b if %%a gtr %end% echo(%%b )) > Batch_tmp\!fileName!.css rem Copy all lines, except the ones in start-end section (for /F "tokens=1* delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /N "^" "Batch_tmp\%fileName%_tmp.css"') do ( SETLOCAL disabledelayedexpansion if %%a lss %start% echo(%%b if %%a gtr %end% echo(%%b ENDLOCAL )) > Batch_tmp\!fileName!WITHSETLOCAL_ENDLOCAL.css ECHO ============================ ECHO Batch_tmp\%fileName%_tmp.css TYPE Batch_tmp\%fileName%_tmp.css ECHO =======^^^^^^^^=================this is the original file ECHO Batch_tmp\%fileName%.css TYPE Batch_tmp\%fileName%.css ECHO =======^^^^^^^^=================this is the result with delayed expansion enabled ECHO Batch_tmp\%fileName%WITHSETLOCAL_ENDLOCAL.css TYPE Batch_tmp\%fileName%WITHSETLOCAL_ENDLOCAL.css ECHO ========^^^^^^^^================this is the result with the advised setlocal/ENDLOCAL IN place GOTO :eof
C:\temp\test.css 1 File(s) copied creating tmp copy... coping all line except section... ============================ Batch_tmp\test_tmp.css .foo omit me and me and me { color: pink !important; } =======^^^^=================this is the original file Batch_tmp\test.css .foo { color: pink important; } =======^^^^=================this is the result with delayed expansion enabled Batch_tmp\testWITHSETLOCAL_ENDLOCAL.css .foo { color: pink !important; } ========^^^^================this is the result with the advised setlocal/ENDLOCAL IN place