我已经安装了java,遵循了我在SO上find的所有ubuntu特定的build议。但是,由于我做的是javac Program.java
/** * This program echos the command-line arguments backwards. **/ public class Reverse { public static void main(String[] args) { // Loop backwards through the array of arguments for(int i = args.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { // Loop backwards through the characters in each argument for(int j=args[i].length()-1; j>=0; j--) { // Print out character j of argument i. System.out.print(args[i].charAt(j)); } System.out.print(" "); // add a space at the end of each argument } System.out.println(); // and terminate the line when we're done. } }
我可以运行其他程序(Ruby,C ++,C等)。有一点我在这里失踪,我会很感激任何帮助。