从Windows主机运行远程Linux机器上的Pythonunit testing的一部分


  • 我有一个基于Windows的服务器程序和一个基于Linux的客户端。
  • 我有很多testing的Linux客户端运行,并需要在本地Linux机器上运行
  • 我需要从Windows服务器机器运行一些代码,这将发送一些消息到Linux客户端。 然后,在linux客户机上执行一个testing,validation这些消息的效果


test_example_message(self): # has to be executed locally on windows server send_message(EXAMPLE, hosts) # has to be executed locally on linux clients for host in hosts: verify_message_effect(EXAMPLE, host) 




 import multiprocessing import test_functions def test_example_message(self): """Example test case""" # to get IPs, usernames, passwords, other required data config = get_test_config('example_message') # will take care of threading and executing parts result_dict = execute_tc(config) # to fail or not to fail. take care of proper reporting process_results(result_dict) def execute_tc(config): """Execute test code in parallel""" # create shared results dictionary manager = multiprocessing.Manager() result_dict = manager.dict({}) # create processes processes = [] for func, platform, args in config: function = getattr(test_functions, func) worker = multiprocessing.Process(target=function, args=[result_dict, platform, args]) worker.daemon = True worker.start() processes.append(worker) for process in processes: process.join() return result_dict 
 def execute_tc(config): """Execute test code in parallel""" # create shared results dictionary manager = multiprocessing.Manager() result_dict = manager.dict({}) # create processes processes = [] for func, platform, args in config: function = getattr(test_functions, func) worker = multiprocessing.Process(target=function, args=[result_dict, platform, args]) worker.daemon = True worker.start() processes.append(worker) for process in processes: process.join() return result_dict 
