我多次调用WNetAddConnection2没有WNetCancelConnection2,我只是检查它的返回值。 这在Windows Server 2003中工作,只创build一个连接,但在Windows Server 2008中,它创build了太多的连接。 有什么问题?
编辑 – 按照评论代码:
TCHAR szLocalName[32] = _T("t:"), szRemoteName[MAX_PATH] = _T("\\\\ws2008_1\\sample_share"); // Assign our values to the NETRESOURCE structure. nr.dwType = RESOURCETYPE_ANY; nr.lpLocalName = szLocalName; nr.lpRemoteName = szRemoteName; nr.lpProvider = NULL; // Call the WNetAddConnection2 function to assign // a drive letter to the share. dwRetVal = WNetAddConnection2(&nr, 0, 0, FALSE);
mount <x:> to <\\ws2008_1\sample_share_2> with :0 PID:8956 mount <x:> to <\\ws2008_1\sample_share_2> with :0 PID:7284 remote name is <\\ws2008_1\sample_share_2> and errCode is: 85 PID:8592 remote name is <\\ws2008_1\sample_share_2> and errCode is: 85 PID:4196 remote name is <\\ws2008_1\sample_share_2> and errCode is: 85 PID:7708 remote name is <\\ws2008_1\sample_share_2> and errCode is: 85 PID:7028 remote name is <\\ws2008_1\sample_share_2> and errCode is: 85 PID:3988 remote name is <\\ws2008_1\sample_share_2> and errCode is: 85 PID:3680 remote name is <\\ws2008_1\sample_share_2> and errCode is: 85 PID:6364 remote name is <\\ws2008_1\sample_share_2> and errCode is: 85 PID:7764 mount <x:> to <\\ws2008_1\sample_share_2> with :0 PID:8764 mount <x:> to <\\ws2008_1\sample_share_2> with :0 PID:4692 mount <x:> to <\\ws2008_1\sample_share_2> with :0 PID:4996 mount <x:> to <\\ws2008_1\sample_share_2> with :0 PID:5300 mount <x:> to <\\ws2008_1\sample_share_2> with :0 PID:6028
注意:这个过程是由CreateProcessAsUser创build的,用户名是一样的。 从日志消息,它有时工作,是否login会话相关?
(请参阅http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms681382%28v=vs.85%29.aspx )。
你这样做的方法是有缺陷的 – 你需要:
的挂载,请参阅http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/ms682411%28v=vs.85%29.aspx WNetGetConnection
) WNetCancelConnection2
在http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa385427%28v=VS.85%29.aspx 还有其他一些要点,以确保…但他们取决于以下问题的答案: