我需要在VMWare机器上运行的ASP.NET应用程序中模拟自己作为域用户。 由于VMWare机器本身不在域中,因此ASP.NET无法parsing用户令牌(在web.config中指定)。 有没有办法做到这一点?
using System; using System.Security.Principal; /// <summary> /// Changes the security context the application runs under. /// </summary> public class ImpersonateHelper : IDisposable { [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("coreel32")] private extern static Boolean CloseHandle(IntPtr handle); private IntPtr _token = IntPtr.Zero; private WindowsImpersonationContext _impersonatedUser = null; public IntPtr Token { get { return _token; } set { _token = value; } } public ImpersonateHelper(IntPtr token) { _token = token; } /// <summary> /// Switch the user to that set by the Token property /// </summary> public void Impersonate() { if (_token == IntPtr.Zero) _token = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Token; _impersonatedUser = WindowsIdentity.Impersonate(_token); } /// <summary> /// Revert to the identity (user) before Impersonate() was called /// </summary> public void Undo() { if (_impersonatedUser != null) _impersonatedUser.Undo(); } #region IDisposable Members private bool _isDisposed; public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!_isDisposed) { if (disposing) { if (_impersonatedUser != null) _impersonatedUser.Dispose(); } CloseHandle(_token); _token = IntPtr.Zero; } _isDisposed = true; } ~ImpersonateHelper() { Dispose(false); } #endregion }
//Run task as the impersonated user and not as NETWORKSERVICE or ASPNET (in IIS5) try{ impersonate.Impersonate(); //Do work that needs to run as domain user here... } finally { //Revert impersonation to NETWORKSERVICE or ASPNET if (impersonate != null) { impersonate.Undo(); impersonate.Dispose(); } }